It’s been awhile. I see everyone interacting to get through the difficult days. I guess I would like to feel connected as well.
I am sick of my story and it doesn’t really matter. The end result is the pain I feel at this moment.
Too much free time is dangerous for me.
Hey i also read your first post.. And I really feel your tiredness. I have had the same with counselllors and drs, I swear I understand CBT better than they do now! I also feel I have to wear a mask.. I’m currently trying to take it off a bit more.. rather than withdrawing.. have you tried that?
Thank you so much for responding. Occasionally I take the mask off and then when things don’t go well I use it as an excuse to keep hiding. I have given up on counselors because I already know what is wrong with me and I feel that it is too ingrained. I am sorry you are so tired, I wish there was an answer.
So do I, so much. With counsellors that’s where I get stuck too.. I know I have to improve my self esteem, i know all my fears and beliefs aren’t logical or even definitely true. But its all very real for me, and the feelings are definitely real. That is also my biggest fear its too ingrained and i can’t overcome it.. Arghh I also know what you mean about the mask. My advice for that is don’t self sabotage, pick your people carefully.. SP is pretty safe to be yourself and I hope over time to gain the confidence and understanding to be able to share with other people. So just know you are not alone 🙁 I have no answers either I’m afraid but maybe this is a step, to keep sharing your feelings on here..