Some of you might disagree or not believe this story but its the TRUTH.
A lot of doctors and psychiatrists are NOT even aware themselves just how terrible psychiatric meds are because they are misinformed or lied to from the drug companies which FUND Psychiatry itself. Psychotropics made me very helpless against my depression and some could have permanently disfigured me. They lowered my inhibitions and I did things which I permanently regret now. I was prescribed 16 different psych meds at different times in the last 6 years.
You should all consider reading MEDICATION MADNESS by Dr. Peter Breggin. a Psychiatrist who is FIRMLY against psychiatric medications. The book changed my life , I wish I had never taken this junk they sell in the name of medicine when in FACT its marketing NOT medicine . , come and see the truth if you can handle it. Peace
also check out – psychiatry an industry of death on youtube .
I’ve been on a myriad of medications for most of my depression for many different reasons, adderall for ADHD, risperidone and lamictal for bipolar and wellbutrin at one point then prozac, but I currently don’t take an antidepressant anymore. I was recommended, forced, whatever, to take medication after my hospitalization, and some of them have been decent, others not helpful at all. The adderall treated my symptoms wonderfully and would be the most effective drug I’ve taken. Risperidone was the first psychiatric drug I took and it’s curbed my mood swings, I believe it’s an antipsychotic? To be honest I haven’t done much research on them lol, probably not good on my part. I was afraid of getting on risperidone as a somewhat common side effect was weight gain, but in the end it didn’t affect my weight. I was given lamictal (mood stabilizer?) shortly after and the duo do their job I suppose. Wellbutrin was the first antidepressant I was on, I didn’t really notice a difference to be honest, but it supposedly promoted weight loss so I went with it lol, I stopped taking it after 9 months because of a bad side effect (TERRIBLE ringing in the ears) and after I was put on prozac. I was put on prozac initially because of social anxiety, which was alleviated soon after, so I attributed that to the prozac. I have been off Prozac for about 2 months now and my social anxiety has not come back.
I personally am not morally or scientifically opposed to medication, I suppose it’s different for everyone though. It can help some, but not others, it’s not for everyone. Everyone has a different brain chemistry so medication is mostly trial and error and the whole system is pretty inefficient. If you want to get better I recommend you at least give it a go.
I got off of prozac because it completely killed my libido. I have never been a particularly sexual person so having no libido didn’t affect me at all. I had gotten a p*rtner prior who insisted I get off of prozac to become sexually active, but in the end I never did and I haven’t felt any changes since being off of prozac so I didn’t bother to get back on it.
Absolutely. Anything you put in your body that messes with your brain chemistry, your body gradually gets used to and begins to compensate for. Drugs actually cause chemical imbalances, so once they are taken away, you’re left with a problem. I’ve been suffering years of illness due to just this very thing.
There are lots of facebook groups for sufferers of psychiatric meds. Are you in any of them?
I tried lexapro (generic) and couldn’t get past two weeks. I hated the idea of being on it, anyway. I’ll deal w/ my depression and anxiety myself, like I always have, thanks.
ANd yea, stendarr–the lack of libido, etc kicked in right away and even though I have no man these days, that’s not something I wanted going on in my life.
Shit! My mother and I were just talking about his a few days ago. I told her I wanted to get help but that I would rather receive shock therapy than take the drugs that they might prescribe me. I went to see a psychiatrist earlier this year and after doing a very general survey to establish what my disorder might be ( he could determine it but than again a survey is a pretty ineffective way to determine something as complex as a mental illness) he immediately prescribed some drugs for me. I was shocked at how willing he was to just experiment on me with these drugs. I even asked him if we should maybe run some test and his response was that test would take to long and that it was best to get on medication as soon as possible to see results. WTF is up with that?
I want to get help but I can’t afford any treatment that might be useful.
Shock Therapy is just as dangerous. It can wipe out years worth of memories from your life. People have turned into giant infants not knowing who they are or what anything else is from ECT. It might treat the depression but most likely its not worth it for anyone. I believe in some countries its illegal. don’t do it.
moody…drugs do help a LOT of ppl so don’t throw the idea out entirely. I’m totally PRO drugs when it comes to things like ‘azepams to help sleep and relax, etc (taken when needed, not every day, they are addicting) but I’ve always been ANTI depression meds only because they come w/ a shitload of side effects. Most ppl get past the side effects after several weeks. I couldn’t stand it and only lasted 2 weeks but a big part of that was my underlying disgust at being on the drug. I resisted forever (which really pissed off my mother) but a good friend seemed to be doing a lot better on lexapro (and her issues are the same as mine) so I finally caved and tried it.
I agree w/ Patrick that psychiatry is a bunch of crap. For me the best thing that’s helped w/ my depression and anxiety is a new belief about how we think = how we feel and what happens in our life.
We CAN change our thinking. Old habits die hard and lots of ppl (myself included) are lazy and say “I cannot change” but that’s not true. At any given time we can choose to change our thinking and if we keep that up, it gets into the subconscious and then our behavior starts to change too. It’s a simple concept (almost too simple) but hard to implement because it takes incredible mental discipline (which I suck at) but on the days I can keep the right mindset I feel NORMAL. I’m actually, for that time, happy. I am hopeful and life is good. Of course I slide out of the right mindset and into the old bad thinking habits all the time but the key, like anything else new to learn, is to get back up and try again.
Psychiatry Is a pseudoscience. it is designed to make us think that we are ill when most of the time we just need to take better care of ourselves. its pretty much a fabricated lie. I feel that if I never went to see a psychiatrist I would have been better off. my parents had me in a state hospital and now are so helpless they cant function outside of nursing homes. its been hell on my family and has now ruined my life too.