i decided to post this bc i see so many on this site burdened by this affliction, and this is something i have struggled with for years…there are cuts and burns on my thighs, shins, shoulders…my favorite is my right arm, i’m left handed…most of these wounds originated in my teen years, and although i’ve tappered off to a large extent, the urge still rears it’s ugly head from time to time…..the evidence of this dirty secret on my left arm are so numerous, and so obvious you can see them from outer space……this was never my intention, i suppose i am susceptible to over zealousness during times like these…..it can be a bit awkward at PTA and boyscout meetings…..but what i tell myself, and others with the balls to ask, is that we all have scars, you can just see mine…..if you were to ever to seek help, or try and find ways to stop, people will advise you to get a rubber band, put it on your wrist, and snap away anytime you feel the need to physically manifest the pain you’re feeling inside….by all means, try this, but it did fuck all for me….i pluck the hairs under my arms and on my legs out one at a time with dull tweezers…it stings more than hurts, but it hurts more than you would think….if that’s not enough, try nose hairs, that’ll make your eyes water…. i still succumb to the need to see my own blood flow, or actually be able to see a festering blister on the outside instead of just feeling them on the inside…..but, tweezing helps….n i hope whosoever might find need of this paultry bit of advice, will find some peace, some helpful tip, in these hollow, yet hopeful words
Why do cutters only cut their arms and not their face ?
it’s not exclusively arms, but i’ll wager the reasons have to do with laziness…knife in one hand….what’s closest? the other hand…..as far as faces go, most people that cut are women, ergo, pretty vain…..i have i few near my hair line on my forehead, i came up with the line “the blood in my eyes have become my rose colored glasses” the short story almost got picked up by the zine Modern Drunkard, but a piece about some dude being drunk at a post office and pissing on some outgoing mail beat it out…also, it’s kind of a private thing, a thing people who feel the need to do this are usu ashamed about; most people dont see it as a badge of honor….so in general, i’d say this is a stupid fucking question, if i thought yer post was a sincere question, instead of some pusillanimous, and disrespectful fucktard remark
The reason I asked is because today I ran my hunting knife down the side of my motherfucking face. If you thought it wasn’t serious why the fuck You respond for?
We have all seen you be so ignorant and rude on so many posts that perhaps it is hard to tell when you aren’t being like that. :/
It’s not only arms. Personally I have done hands, arms, thigh and torso. Mostly hands though. I used to watch the blood run to the end of my fingertips and collect under my fingernails, then drop to the ground. For a little while, the world was calm and I was far away from it.
So no, not only arms. Often arms, but not only.
I don’t do this but I know people who do and this will be good advice I can pass forward. Thank you for sharing.
And this Cathy was ignorant and rude to me first and is mad because I defend myself. Bunch of self righteous cunts here.
According to you, you are 27 and haven’t dated. This attitude problem could be why. You put down women in general, are very self centred and treat anyone who doesn’t agree with you poorly. I feel sorry for you cause you come across as a pathetic loser.
Yeah…and? I’m a pathetic loser to you…I couldn’t give a fuck in the slightest what you think of me, not one little bit. You want to judge me, couldn’t care less.
i apologize if you felt slighted by any remarks i have made towards you-let me remind you the post your referring to was not ment for u at all….but for whispers….which i thought i made clear and apologized for immediately…and then i apologized AGAIN and gave you further explaination as to why i took offense…rude?? ok, i’ll own that one, i can come off a bit callous when pressed….one lil caveat here, maybe you should check the definition for self righteous, i dont think you’re using the proper useage of this word in regards to the message your trying to convey to me….maybe self supplicating? or how about intrusive? maybe even delusional? also i dont really see how my intellegence factors in at all, considering this is all based on opinions, and not facts…..maybe “this ***** has stupid (or ignorant?) opinions and if we’re gonna play this whole “she started it” bullshit game, my rebuttle to that would be “nuh-uh you started it na na na boo boo, stick ur head in doodoo”………,and dont ever call me a **** again please. asshole ***** peice of shit, ************, pick one, there;s a plethora of colorful and equally deameaning words to use as a substitute, but not ****, i’d really appreciate it
ok, i was bit outta line towards u in that last post, i’m just dealing (if you can call it that) with alot of my own shit right now, and i’m projecting my anger on ppl that dont deserve it, i could’ve worded that diffrently so it didnt come off so bitchy……we’ll chalk that one up to my loose handle on the english language and my ignorance…..ahhhh! there i go again, somewhat self defeating vernacular….but i really am sorry for being so harsh to u….i’m not so blind i cant see that we are all here for a plethora of reasons, the root of all of them being depression, pain, hopelessness….so i fully realize how uncool of me that was, truce? i’ll try harder to keep in mind that all people here are in a rather fragile state of mind, if you try to do the same…..