Friend: If you had the choice, which super-power would you choose ?
Me: The power To-Be-Happy
Friend: Why ?
Me: We wish to become a Super-hero, like the ones who decorate our books, movies and comics, with their Super-natural powers. Their powers, is what we wish for: their ability to fly, be invincible, breathe fire, or extraordinary speed. Is speed needed when we need to slow down; why want invincibility when lack-of-acknowledgement is the root cause of our sadness; asking to fly when the ground is not understood is useless; breathing fire into a world that closely resembles hell –l is just plain sad. Asking for the Super-natural is our escape from the natural. The natural world, with all it’s hell, sadness, cruelty, loneliness, injustice – is where our happiness sleeps. Escaping in the comfortable arm’s of the super-natural drains our search for this happiness. We must seize the chance, in this world of hell, not the chance to be super-natural, but to live and breathe beyond it – to live beyond it, the only Super-power we need, that no hero can offer, is the power — To-Be-Happy; and the Super-heroes we need are the ones who make this power possible
1 comment
not so long ago i thought about the connection between super powers and mental illnesses. i like to think, depression, manic depression, schizophrenia – whatever – are all super powers. its like we have abilities that most people don’t have. some of us can look deeper into themselves, some can cry, some don’t care about anyone or anything. worry-free. there are “normal” people who would love to have some of these powers. but they can’t. because they’re ours, and we earned them.