If it is to keep your life. No warning, i’m pulling a major trigger tonight. Last year 2014 (i know its hard to remember that passed) on september 11th as survivor of war left her suicide note here. Her note ended in the most hurtful self loathing lie that anyone could tell themself. This person’s handle here was trippylikenirvana. The tale she tells so clearly of her most early traumas are left to haunt us not by the images they bring forth in our minds, but by the utter cloud of confusion that formed around her after. This woman experienced a trauma early in life and she never forgot. From then on she lived a horror she could not see the end of. She ended her life not because she should have or was allowed to, but because she was not allowed to be saved. This is anon, offering a gun, for anyone that will swear on a hot bullet to never end their life at their own hands.
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Traumas early in life can destroy a person beyond repair. I read trippylikenirvana’s post and it made me feel sick but also made me feel relieved that she finally found peace from this crap world that never cut her a break.
Are you really giving away your gun, and may I ask why? If I read you correctly, it’s an interesting bargain. Someone gets a gun on the condition that they never commit suicide… so I guess it’s sort of like an ironic symbol of life? I’m tempted to take you up on that… hell knows I need a reason to keep myself alive. But at the same time I don’t know if I would have the self control to stick to my end of the bargain. Would anyone here be able to?