I haven’t slept properly in days, I keep throwing up everything I eat, I’m having panic attacks. I live with my boyfriend and he’s sitting in the lounge laughing with his friend, he doesn’t know if he wants to be with me or not just making it worse. I have no-one to talk too nowhere to go all I keep imagining is how to kill myself. I’ve taken drugs they dont work. I just want to die. All I want is not to feel so empty. I just need someone.
I’m in a bad predicament I had a girlfriend we broke up she’s a cheat I want to die no one believes me call me an a attention seeker and make me feel alone I have bad grades no love at 15 an anti gay family
Hello, There is nothing wrong with being gay, in fact it’s beautiful. I’m being call dramatic as well even though I’ve just drank a bottle of wine and taken loads of tramadol just to go to sleep. You girlfriend sounds young and she’s made a mistake without realizing how much it’s impacted you, she hasn’t thought, she given into her own needs..but you are strong, strong enough to open your heart up to so much pain. Someone else in the future will deserve your love and you can create a family that loves you. It all takes time. I know how you feel. Stay strong.
nela, you’re not alone. we all need someboooty to love and be loved by. you’ll at the very least be heard by posting here
Thank you, I just have no one I feel so trapped thats why I found this site. I am practically an orphan my mothers dead and my father tried to kill himself then left me. I just want to sleep forever.
fuck eh, that sucks… how old are you?
I’m 24 you?
eternal… but seriously im 62
62 I bet you are wiser than me then, got any advice on sleeping?
its overrated and sleep is for knobs and the weak and mere mortals. the fact you are here proves you aint one
Don’t listen to him, Nela. 😉
He’s just mean grandma 😛
Sleep is the best thing ever. Have you tried sleeping pills? Or benzo-stuff? They’ll put you to sleep no matter what.
u guna trust a 12 year old nela or a battle hardened wise man such as I. a 62 year old SP vet with copious amounts of insomnia xp points — i cast sage slumber spell level 3 on you nela. boom. with mana to spare. ur welcome
It’s what they call a lost cause, Nela, haha. Warrior lvl 110 at your service, muahahaha. Everything will be alright…Until you’re like him. Clearly insane. 😉
Ps. I’m 19. Stop spreading fake rumors basing on my appearance you little…….
go to bed littletwerp
Stfu you simpleton.
nuthin but a littleanalbead
…you’ll regret this.