Let me tell you a story.
In the little town of Chaonite there are little minions called Chaonites. There is a group of Chaonites called Chrischaonites and they claim to know the one and only truth. They say that machaonites can only fuck fechaonites, and fechaonites can only fuck machaonites. Everything goes according to plan until one day, a fechaonite desides she wants to fuck another lovely little fechaonite. The Chrischaonites don’t like this, not one bit. They tie up this strange evil fechaonite and process her in their holy slaughterhouse, where the blood is drained out of her pretty body and mixed with sugar and put into little glass jars with ice cubes. The remaining dead husk of that fechaonite is stripped into little bread-like morsels, which are put into a little bag.
The Chrischaonites then mourn the lost fechaonite before drinking red lemonade and bread for their midday meal.
The end