Alice says hey girl hey, Alice has a cliche question but Alice wonders what your thoughts are on this, Alice is curious to know if you people think that love can save someone from suicide Alice thinks so if it’s the right love in the right situation let Alice know what you people think
hi alice how r u? some people who need love can be saved from suicide with love but there are people like me who are poor and need money and intelligence to survive so love wont save people like me from contemplating suicide.
Why do you talk in second person Alice? It’s getting very old.
Absolutely. The most important person you could ever love is yourself. Other people will come and go, but you will always be you.
If you think that someone else is going to come along and save you, you’re likely to be disappointed. There is no knight in shining armor – save yourself.
some of us are so far down the gutter love is meaningless because it never lasts, requires effort you can’t invest and has repercussions are more detrimental than the benefits. loving someone is a risk for the audacious with the ability to bounce back from loss and move on, some of us have nothing left so there’s nothing to give and it’s possible to regress even from nothingness
Alice thinks that’s a bullshit answer
Even when you have nothing you still have a heart so give that, because someone somewhere is trying to give you there’s
a beating heart isn’t always a living heart
Still better than nothing and hey you never know if the person on the other end can give you a reason to live until you try
no one can give you a reason for living, you have to fabricate it yourself perhaps with the influence of someone else, but there’s no point in reason when reality dictates a life of perpetual frustration and hopelessness that’s objective and not able to be changed
Yes a person can give you a reason to live. If you spend your entire life caged in your house or hidding in your room and someone one day comes along and freed you from that and gave you a purpose things to do habits to change that is giving you a reason what you do with it is up to you
The only frustrations in life are the ones you allow to frustrate you
hopelessness is subjective but it’s a definite product of reality which can’t be changed. no matter what you do it’s always futile, outlook is meaningless
stendarr you talk smart. whats your iq? i am impressed with your ability to type nicely thought replies in such short amounts of time.
I think your view point is biased stemming from a perspective that hasn’t gotten better versus the view point of hopeless people who have over come the odds, maybe one day you will look back and say my issues made me naive to the posdibilty of change
my IQ is retarded twink
Alice thinks your the kind of person who hides her feelings behind a wall of sarcasm instead of faceing the world and saying this is what’s wrong somebody help me , but that is Alice’s opinion
come on stendarr man whats your iq? its not like i am asking for money or anything just your iq 😛
Maybe she doesn’t know Alice is pretty certain not everyone takes iq tests unless the ones online count but Alice doubts the accuracy of those
I took cognitive tests to get an IEP (yes I was in special ed) and I scored average on everything, other than that I’ve never taken an IQ test lol
heh if you are average then i am retarded. I guess even smart people come to this site
You said it not Alice
they broke the different tests into subcategories and a lot of them were challenging for me, spacial logic, pattern replicating and recognizing, timed word problems where you had to decode the mathematical equations in qualitative form and reading and discerning key details from text were also hard for me
I don’t have a cognitive impairment though, i’m not autistic nor mentally handicapped, just kind slow with grasping concepts with maybe an undiagnosed learning disability
Alice doesn’t think you have an impairment alice just thinks you gangsta
There are different kinds of intelligence. I’ve met people who are super book smart but have zero street smarts. I’ve met geniuses who get straight A’s but can’t parallel park to save their life. Some people can ace English but stumble through basic Algebra.
We weren’t all created equally. You might be able to hit a 3 pointer playing basketball, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be able to fill out a coherent job application.
(Not being racist. I could’ve said welfare form).
who needs intelligence when u have $wag
@Stendarr; yeah, you go girl.
After you’re elected President of The United States of America I’ll buy you, Alice and LifelessAnatomy a drink. But only if you promise to deport me.
first law I would enact: make white people illegal
I know, right? Pale Penis People = Source of humanity’s woes.
the new flag would be a bald eagle with a weed leaf eye, the old one is so primitive and out dated, we need a new mascot to represent the contemporary age
Fuck I’m getting kicked out, oh wait I’m part native Murican so that means I get to stay
I’m voting a never ending miley Cyrus twerking as the new symbol of our countries pride in uniqueness and individuality
Kesha should be house speaker
So true. If we were all high life would be so much better.
Damn, when are you going to run? You’ll probably need to sell out and become a lawyer first. That seems to be a precursor for a career in politics.
After you forge alliances with lobbyists and corporations (who fund you) yOu’ll be free to do anything you want.
You could appoint Alice to head the newly formed Department of Fashion.
I think it’s time the USA had a Dept. of Fashion Czar. We’ll need a woman president to implement these badly needed changes.
isn’t Kesha genuinely the ambassador for the humane society for animals? crazy
Alice is dtf, Alice has nothing better to do Alice thinks Alice can be a good fashion czar
being a lawyer is easy all you do is speak pretentiously and tenaciously argue moot points, you get the same experience on SP
If you want a reason to be sad and feel bad Alice suggests instead of talking about what you can’t do and cant give you could just watch doctor who on repeat that should give you ample reason to hate this world and life as you known it
It’s settled then. There is no reason for anyone on the planet to consider suicide.
Soon Stendarr and Alice will rule the world, and we can all expect everlasting tranquility and peace.
I’m gonna drink another beer to celebrate the arrival of this golden age.
BlackOutAlice ,
Alice, most differently “love can save someone from suicide” it must be true love! real love! in order to impact that kind of decision, but what really works best is loving yourself.
Shit. I’m outta beer and I’m probably too drunk to drive. Who wants to run to the store for me? I’ll give you a cigarette.
*assuming Alice voice*
Morris drove drunk to the convenience store. Actually Morris wasn’t that drunk, he wuz only 8 beers in. The cashier was gay. Well, that or the cashier had a horrible lisp. Morris bought a 6-pack from the lispy cashier.
Now Morris is listening to Weezer. Morris likes the blue album best.
Morris wonders who reads this swill.
Morris doesn’t care. He has a cold 6er in the fridge.
Morris feels weird referring to himself in the 3rd person. Why do people do that, Morris wonders?
Jesus Morris, don’t do that. (Drive drunk.) Even if you manage to get there and back without endangering yourself or anyone else, if you’re caught your career will be over. Get it together man. 😐
Well, come live with me then.
I’ll hook you up with cigarettes, you can make beer runs, and you can give me BJ’s after I’m done drinking. . It’s a win-win.
Let’s live the dream.
Don’t smoke, and I’m a whiskey drinker, not beer.
Dude; you better watch yourself if you want to stay in my good graces. That’s all I’m saying. Peace out.
I hope this doesn’t mean the marriage is off.
We could make some really cute babies together, you know. My brains and your good looks? We’d have the awesomest babies ever. 🙂
Love doesn’t exist
Because I am extremely depressed tonight and this question cuts me to my very core, I will give your question a serious reply. This is something I struggle with, the thought that I even deserve love, the conditioned feelings of worthlessness driven into me by never feeling like I fit in or matter, and by the constant bullying I endured in my school years to make sure I would never forget how social awkwardness meant I would become a pariah even in my own heart.
So often the reply given to a question such as this that a person must first love his or herself. I can understand the reasoning behind that because having confidence in oneself tends to be an attractive and sought-for quality in a potential mate, but what is the person to do who cannot find love for his or herself to begin with?
I find myself in that situation.
I sit here Alice more hopeful than I probably should be because while wracked with anxiety, I managed to conjure up enough courage to try. I tried and things seem so positive that I cannot help but be even more doubtful about whether it can continue grow and flower into something singularly and strikingly beautiful in my world of grey. No one I’ve pursued has ever even feigned interest back and I’m not sure how to even feel about it all. I am not even able fathom the concept of why anyone would even consider me.
Now I am grasping at a hope that is possibly no more real and tangible than you are. It (and your) purpose is perceived and understood, giving a person perhaps one more reason to take that next step when they feel so emotionally damaged and mentally broken that they feel like Sisyphus himself. It’s hard enough to plant their feet into the jagged rocks and push forward (let alone ask someone to share the load) and that brief warm ray of hope shining down on them can be helpful, but that hope is also in a minefield of human suffering where one must remember to tread carefully.
As for the answer to your question, I submit the same comment I gave in a prior post Salt made regarding this exact subject:
Save me? No.
But when I had someone who loved me, I was stronger and could take the unending waves that threaten to pull me under.
When I had someone who loved me, I had more confidence in myself because there was always that constant reminder that someone had inexplicably chosen me.
When I have someone who loved me, I had reason to hope because someone saw a future even when I couldn’t.
When I had someone who loved me, I didn’t feel so alone because someone was always there to share their day with me.
When I had someone who loved me, I didn’t feel so cold because there was someone to hold onto.
When I had someone who loved me, even at the darkest moments I saw light…
I still was depressed.
I still slowly got worse.
I still wanted to cut.
I still sometimes thought of killing myself.
But when I had someone who loved me, I was able to make it through it all somehow.
Would it save me, no.
But it makes it easier to go on.
It makes it easier to hope.
It makes it easier to try.
Because when I had someone who loved me, it didn’t feel so easy to die…
Saying that, my point is that since some of us cannot muster the ability to love ourselves as we are, we want so much to be loved by someone else. Does that love then save someone from suicide by itself? Of course not. What it does though is reinforces a person’s heart and mind enough to allow him or her the chance to face the sorrows and ailments that plague their soul instead of being consumed by them.
Take care.
I’ve always thought that love was the key to happiness. As I grow older I begin to think it is the road to despair. The last person I trully loved started to cut himself again after our relationship fell apart. Maybe it had nothing to do with me… But the last time I saw him he showed me this quote from The Strain
“Love is the one force that cannot be explained, cannot be broken down
into a chemical process. It is the beacon that guides us back home
when no one is there, and the light that illuminates our loss.
Its absence robs us of all pleasure of our capacity for joy.
It makes our nights darker and our days gloomier.
But when we find love no matter how wrong, how sad, or how terrible
we cling to it. It gives us our strength. It holds us upright.
It feeds on us and we feed on it. Love is our grace. Love is our downfall.”
Love can heal and love can kill. Living with love lost is worse than living without ever knowing love. My biggest fear is that I will live and end my life without deep love and affection of another. It’s that fear that keeps me in depression. I am a love addict. I am addicted to the rush of love, the hope of a future love creates. Without love my life is empty and meaningless.
being loved increases our ability to deal with life problems that people encounter ..
giving love to someone who has lack of friends or poor parent child relationship , will certainly make a big difference