I’m not the one with the saddest life or parent problems being physically abused or anyrhing. Si why do i cut? I have no real reason except for tjat i dont have reason not to. Smiling doesnt come easy which is exhausting because im the funny obe in my group just sone suggestions to stop or reasibing why i do would help thanks.
Even if you don’t have the saddest life it doesn’t mean you can’t be sad.
If you resort to cutting there has to be a reason or something that makes you use that as a distraction from what you feel or as a way to convert mental pain into physical pain.
In order to figure out what you’re feeling, you have stop for a moment and think.
I would try and come up with better advices or ideas, but it’s a little hard without knowing more about you and your experiences.
Yet still, if you truely have no reason to do such a thing, you can try replacing it with other activities insted or other things that you like doing that can be a better distraction and a better result on your mood.
Hurting yourself physically is pretty risky and will only make you feel worse in the end.
Thank you for the help I will think and let you know what I co.e up with