…what it was like to feel deep sadness as a young person. Well, really as a younger person because I am still young. I mean I see all of these high school folks on here feeling broken because they feel as if they have no friends, feeling lonely and I feel for them. I wonder how their sadness is similar and different from that sadness which I felt at their age. The internet was a smaller place 15 years ago, not much smaller but a bit. Blogs were less popular, there were less voices on sadness. Now it seems like there is an ocean. I wonder if it’s comforting to see others sad in the same way you are sad or if it gouges deeper and broadens the “it will never end” of it all.
That being said, I’ve survived this long and each day is a surprise. A somewhat precious one. An agonizing precious surprise. Another chance to be the person I want to be, to exemplify characteristics that I have at times in the past, to be kinder and more understanding. To love deeper and in a more forgiving way.
Hope each of us finds a way through today.
1 comment
i also hopes too each of us finds a way through today