There’s no point. Go inpatient, I fail a course capstone project. Go inpatient, I am still nothing when I get out. Stay out, I will find a way. I will make the impossible possible. I do not want anymore pain and loneliness. Stop trying to save me to make yourselves feel good. You’re making me miserable.
I’ve never offered encouragement or kind words to you because I was trying to make myself feel good. That’s not who I am at all. Every word was only for you. I genuinely hope you can find a way, but if you prefer, I can refrain from commenting in the future. I’m sorry if I in any way have contributed to your misery. That was never my intention. Whatever happens, please take care.
I feel that I should have clarified that. It was directed at people I know in person. All the time in the world when I’m right at the brink, not a fuck to give the other 99.5% of the time.