So, apparently there is this earthquake that is supposed to take place in California on May 28th and I hope it happens so I can finally die in my sleep. I’m tired of this life, and I’m tired of waking up in the mornings knowing I have to start another miserable day of this life of mine. I’ve posted here in the past several times but as the days go on my depression gets worse and my thoughts get deeper. I honestly can’t take it anymore, I’m tired of being so lonely and only being remembered when people need something from me. I have no friends, and I am diagnosed with depression and suffer from it daily. Funny thing is, most people have noticed that I have been suffering from depression and how I always seem “odd” and “down” yet they don’t really care. I’m a regular dude, I’m not the weird type at school and for some reason people don’t get along with me. I’ve been going to the same school for several years and nothing has changed for me as we all got older we all went your own separate paths, and as everyone had their friends I was left with nobody but fake friends that I so called “friends”. They tend to ignore me and I guess I’m only there for their “entertainment purposes”, but since I also suffer from social anxiety and I’m nearly paranoid that people are always looking at me 24/7 I tend to not leave this “group of friends” as I don’t want to look like a fucking loner and a loser even though they end up leaving me and ignoring me. I’m just tired of everyone and everything, I want out. Loneliness causes depression and from there on to suicidal thoughts. I might have this and that, but I rather have real friends than have a bunch of money. I’ve been alone for to long, I spend my weekends crawling up into a ball as I close my eyes and sleep for the rest of the day. Everyone I managed to meet and become friends with ended up hating me or using me for things. I’m sorry but I’m just done, and I can no longer take it anymore…
My dear friend,
Don’t worry. Cry, sleep, and feel those feelings. Yell if you need to. I’ve been diagnosed with chronic depression, it comes and goes. Sometimes it lasts for months, sometimes for only three days. Either way every time it’s slow and gradual. I get anxious and my chest feels like its collapsing in when I cry. It’s better to feel those feelings.
If I’ve learned anything it’s that you can’t ever really rely on your friends, but more so family. And if you don’t have family, then think about getting a pet. And if you can’t have a pet, then go out and experience the world at it’s finest. It’s all about getting away and finding a way to cope healthily with the hurt and loneliness. Trust me, there is nothing wrong with you. You are amazing and it gets better.
“The calm always comes after the storm.” Just write this everywhere and remind yourself to keep fighting. Find your passions and pursue them. Lay in the grass one day and fall asleep or watch the clouds. In the end, no one’s opinion on you matters but your own. Don’t let people get to you, because that is exactly what they want. Learn that you are better than your backstabbing ‘friends’ and make it apparent to them that you won’t take their bull anymore. Hold you head high and smile at yourself in the mirror. You are capable of doing such great things, you just have to work and struggle and work for it.
There isn’t anything wrong with being a ‘loner’, maybe what you need is to separate yourself from the crowd and go off on your own for a while. Learn how to love yourself, experience life, and just to get away from the bullshit.
… Please don’t give up my friend. I can tell you it’s not worth it, this is only the beginning of your life, you have so many years to live and so many lives to touch or help. So many possible things to create and share.
“Suicide does not end the chance of life getting worse; it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting better.” I love you stranger, if no one else does I do and I feel your pain.
I just wanted to say thank you for having the time and effort to reply to my story. I’m just fed up with everything and it is really tiring. I’ll see what I can do, then again thank you.
I’m sorry you are lonely, me too.
Remember this, that depression makes it hard to do what you need to do to make friends- hard to be social, hard to join in the fun and be part of the group. But that doesn’t mean you can’t.
Understand how your depression is sending you into a tail spin. Don’t be angry at you. Don’t tell yourself all the negative things-you’ll never have friends, that you aren’t worthy, etc… Because you ARE worthy!
Start by being kind to you. Find something you like to do, and do it. Just one thing.