I’ve been planning on killing my self for a long time I have attempted before but never truely wanted to die but this time I really do I have got 32 ibruprfen will this kill me ?
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Kill you? No.
Give you a stomach ache to remember? Yes.
It’s not worth it. Trust me, I tried 100…
No…. It will just damage your stomach… It’s actually very hard to OD even on prescribed meds (you will see a lot of posts here of people who have taken far more and mixed with far more dangerous meds and wake up hours later very dizzy and vomiting and miserable and flakey for a few days).
Sadly takes a lot more planning for a genuine suicide.
Wanna chat about it? Here’s the place to spill, lots of very welcoming people all going through the same. I know you must be feeling so very low to be at the first point of truly wanting to die, it’s heartbreaking when you reach that point in anyone’s life, I think the first moment is the worst. Hugs for you x
there is a high risk of failed attempt in your method. What if you were not able to eat all the 32 tablets and vomit them out or get fainted and then wake up in the hospital with some damage done? do consider your choice and all the alternatives before acting out.
I have been debating in for a long time I have already damaged my insides greatly so I don’t see what harm it could do to try I don’t care if I die or damage myself even more I don’t care if I have a long slow painful death any death is the only way out I really can’t do this anymore I will do anything to die right now
there is also a chance of coma or something like that in this method. Don’t you know any other method than this?? What your insides do you have damged and by what method? is there no hope left?
There really is no hope and I’ve tool many paracetamol overdoses and also drank bleach
@Paint My Life Red. I understand what you are saying, but then you will have all these feelings and pain on top and when I say years, it could be 10 years. There are much kinder methods out there where you don’t have to suffer any more than you already are, not that I would recommend suicide for anyone other than myself as the only person that can make that choice is you, but I have posted on here a fairly cost effective and humane way with no pain and just very little planning involved. If you had to I would ask that you at least consider humane ways so you don’t suffer so much
I don’t care if I suffer I just want out I have no other way to do it
How old are you? Do you have a job? Earn money?
I’m 16 I have no job
did you tried helium way? I have heard that it is very reliable.
I don’t know what that is
you told that your some insides were damaged because of overdose? which organs have been affected because of that. You are 16. this is no age of job. Are not your parents doing job?
The method works by running a pipe from the gas container into the bag, filling it with the gas, breathing out fully (important), then placing the bag, emptied of oxygen then filled with gas, around the head, ensuring the bag is sealed to the neck with elastic. The pipe from the gas container must keep flowing into the bag to ensure the gas concentrations are maintained, and a gas flow regulator can be helpful to ensure the gas flows in at a good rate.
A few deep breaths in and out are all that is required to cause unconsciousness (can be up to two minutes though), with death following in around 13 minutes, although can take up to 40 minutes. An 8.8 cubic feet tank of helium should be enough to achieve this, although a bigger 14.9 cubic feet tank better. It is possible to join up two smaller tanks but that adds complication and risk of failure.
It is probably also possible to use a small tent that can be sealed. Ideally pushing out all the air whilst inside it, making sure most air is pushed out before sealing the tent, then filling it up with helium, argon or ********. However, this method might require using more gas, and does not seem to be discussed in suicide literature and forums as the preferred way of performing this method.
My liver and kidney
choose suicide only if you have tried all the ways out to save yourself like medication or therapy and all that doctor stuff.
At 16 it’s so young to be like this and I’m so sad to hear, but who am I to judge your pain. I’m so sorry that you haven’t got to really live yet. I left home at 16 and started working in a fish and chip shop… I rented a room with 2 other people… That was probably the happiest time of my life. Are you still in school? Do you plan to go to college?
I have no way of getting any gas to do that with
I left school yesturday it was my last do and I have a place in college I haven’t been happy in a long time not truely happy
I can feel what you are going through. I am feeling you. By the way what is your gender? why did you left school? what place are you talking about? my life is also going through deep hells.
I finished school likd I finished my GCSE which re exams you have in your last year at school in the UK and I am female
Ok, well, I never went to college, but I hear it’s way more fun and less bullying (people are a little more mature) and also you get treated more like an adult, which helps bring your confidence back. You will meet new people, yes te first week is scary, but after that you will have met people.
Till ten there are some tricks which helped me for years. Get an elastic band, put it around your wrist and pull it really hard and let it snap against your wrist, this gives you that pain that can help lower you anger or emotions. There are other things like armonac smelling things which hit really hard and your eyes water and you cough the first few times, but gives you a hit. I think you can get them at the doctors (I only got them when I was in hospitals or psych wards, so not sure). I know you are looking for something now so the only thing I can think is the elastic band, it sounds silly but works.
that is very informative. you have told a very good advice to her.
I’m a cutter and I’ve tried everything I have and none works
Sorry to ask so many questions, are you on meds or recently stopped taking them for up to a week?
I am on meds and have been taking them
Are you based in the UK? If yes, there is a charity specifically for this which let you stay with them for free, for up to 1 week. Just to get away from your life and see if there are any other solutions. You may have to wait a week or 2 to get there, but it’s really nice and beautiful and it might help? If you’re not in the UK where are you?
I don’t know about the UK system. But you should keep strong. keep hope.
what caused your pain? what are the reasons of your sadness?
Yes I am in the UK what is it called
It’s called maytree. Based in london. Just search the web and you will find them. Keep me posted how it goes and best of luck to you x
Here to talk if you need someone to hear you out. I see ur only 16 by the comments Hun you got so much life u haven’t lived yet… There is so much better out there. I will point out that many have felt the way you do and I can’t say your wrong for ur feeling Bcuz ur not u have a right to feel the way you do. I just hope it will only get better for u Bcuz u deserve to see life for many more years! If u attend college u will have a lot of more opportunities for change in yourself. You will get to meet many people many great instructors who can possibly be good mentors for you. College is exciting but scary too but You can do it.. Life is not promised to be easy and it’s not that’s forsure but it only will get better if u make it better for yourself, only u can make a change. Maybe you don’t want to but give it a thought… Don’t give up on yourself, stay strong. <3