It’s funny how easily humans discard one simple pleasure for another, but I guess the brain wants what it wants. They say change is good, and I suppose it is, but nobody can deny the fact that in the middle of that change lies that vulnerability that can sometimes hurt or even kill you. People are so fragile, I know lots of people that say “I’m so emotionally strong” blah blah blah. Take away their confidence, give them a disfigurement or a disability, let them lose a loved one, and see how they feel after. I want everybody to have the same afflictions and I don’t care if that’s selfish, I don’t even like myself how the fuck am I going to like anyone else? Life is not fair, and it never will be. I can’t wait ’till this fucking disposition ends, fuck loneliness.
I agree. If everyone was made up of only souls, life would be so much easier. If everyone looked the same, if money wasn’t an issue or didn’t exist, if everyone had the same amount of intelligence, etc… I think this place would be a lot better. I’m so tired of lies and arrogance. I’m tired of selfishness. Of people pretending to be happy, pretending to be successful, pretending to have pr be more than what they are. I wish standards were the same. Sigh…
I guess we all have the same looking guts on the inside :).
Hmm you are getting there.
Well, humans are no different from animals, we still have a lot of choices made by our instincts and ID, people are hypocrite but it’s wrong to blame them for something they cannot control?
I don’t know anymore, sometimes you cannot fight against nature.
Sorry for the comment, I just felt incredible related to your post.
No don’t be sorry, I welcome any discussion brought.
As for the content of your post I understand what you’re trying to say, and it’s true that some things are out of people’s control and that nature just has a way of working itself out.
I’m just a little jaded and bitter because nature sure has thrown me some shitty curve balls completely unrelated to anything I would have ever done to provoke them; and I’m not saying I’ve never done anything wrong by any means but that I really have had some very very shitty luck in my life.
Wow I 100% understand how you feel