I want you guys to know its ok to want to kill yourself and that its also ok if you want to not ‘give up’ (more like give in). I know there are many various spiritual beliefs so i won’t get into that but i want you to know that the only person who can judge you is you. The opinions of your family, friends, the state or ‘God’ don’t matter. You are what matters. If you feel like it is your time to leave Earth then leave, cleanly, without regret. For those worrying about hurting their loved ones. Imagine if you moved to some far off place like Thailand. Would your family ever really hear from you again? Wouldn’t they be in the wrong for trying to make you feel bad for moving away when that is what is in your heart? Is that so different from transitioning to spirit? You exist and will always exist. Whether you exist in the body or in the astral makes little difference. Don’t be made to feel bad for wanting to escape the corporate, open air prison that is human civilization in the 21st century. Much love.
Are you suicidal? Sounds like it to me. Please know your killing yourself is not like you move far away. Your family never recovers. Maybe that does not concern you and I can understand. But what is worse is YOU are LOST. All that you could have been is just gone.
How sad.
I am LOST from what? From this life? from this body? What do you mean?
If you kill yourself. I kind of feel like you are encouraging someone to kill themselves. That is why I asked if you were suicidal. That is all.
If i give someone the courage to kill them self that is their choice. That could just as easily inspire someone else to not kill them self; again that is their choice. My point is that both actions are valid.
Beautiful post! I’ve often wondered if I came from a better place. Not heaven, but a better planet or dimension. Life on earth is difficult for the sensitive soul. James Kavanaugh, a wonderful poet, has a book of poetry entitled ‘There are Men too Gentle to live among Wolves.’
Cool, ill have to look that up. Im my opinion the earth reality is like a dream. You know how when you wake up from a dream your like ‘oh that felt real while i was in it but this is really me and this is who i really am’. Thats like the death process. You are so much more than your body or brain.
Discovering who you are, despite the earth distractions, is a worthy process. And gives a sense of calm and assurance.