Fuck sake. First this is my fault. Do you remember P.Y from most my other posts. She was my girlfriend. The last thing keeping me a part of this world and i fucked her up with being suicidal. Now we broke up and she has a new boyfriend but has still been having sex with me. I know i fucked up there to but it gets worse. I told a few people trying to figure out what to do and im sure one of them will tell her that i told them. She would never even want to see me again if that happend. Its getting more and more fucked up as the days go on. I wasnt sure if i should of done it tonight but now im deffinitly going to fuck it… I cant get the guilt from what ill do to people out of my head. But i dont even fucking care anymore im going evenchally. Lets just speed up that up a bit. I still love you even if it seems like i dont sorry for being a dick ???????? goodbye forever. Im sorry for this.
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And you will eventually get over your girlfriend if she doesn’t want you back, and why? Because you will eventually meet another girl and fall in love all over again.