I’m 19, asexual, but lonely. I try to help people. I’ve lost many of my friends recently, and the others haved moved away. I’ve had depression for several years know, and I’m starting to get weak. My friend who lives with me is getting a girlfriend, so I’m going to lose him to. Despite being asexual I have very stong feelings for this friend, and really don’t want this to happen. I know I probaly sound selfish, but I can’t take the loss of someone else… More and more the idea of killing myself comes up in my mind, and more and more….I want to end it. I want my pain and suffering to end. I don’t want to die, but I just want to be happy again.
In our lifetime we are lucky if we find one true friend who sticks by our side through thick and thin. You may not speak or see each other for a long period of time but you always find one another at some point. As for everybody who comes in and out of our life throughout the years, they are acquaintances who we may have been meant to learn something from. If we learned something from all the people that came in and out of our lives, we are doing good.
Everything in life has a cycle, nothing lasts forever. We live, we learn, we move on, learning to move on can be the hardest part. Stay strong and stay positive, you wake up everyday for a reason. Find/figure out that reason, it will help you in your daily personal life.
I’m just saying, but when you said, “despite being asexual I have really strong feelings for this friend” I jus thought I should let you know that being asexual doesn’t mean that you can’t have a strong /emotional/ connection to someone!! There’s a difference between asexual, and aromantic. 🙂
Exactly, but a lot of people dont seem to understand that…