Why is that I feel so scared and so paranoid now that he’s cheated on me twice. I feel as if I were back in when I had a abusive relationship but different. Why is that I feel that way? Is there something wrong with me? I mean I could just trust him again. But I’m scared to do that. Like what if he does it again. What if my friends are right? What if I am just letting him get away with it? Help me please I dont know what to do or feel . I should let it go shouldn’t I ?
There is no end of this fear… once the trust is broken its very hard to rebuilt. If u can rebuilt, then also the marks will be there. I can understand ur pain as m also going through all these. Lack of trust. But u hv to be strong. Some people never change n u cnt do anything about it. So try to be happy for urself…. for others who love u. M sure there wl b sum. Only u have to look around for them. Eat, drink n be marry…. u can get this life once only. So dont waste it for sumone who dont value u…. actually he don’t deserve u. So get up n live this life to the fullest.
You should break up with him, get away from him. Seriously. Don’t let him do this to you. Once, MAYBE that is something that you could forgive him for. Twice, it is a complete deal breaker. Listen to your friends, they are looking out for you. They can see what you can’t because you aren’t seeing clearly.
There is nothing wrong with you. After being cheated on twice and feeling the emotional turmoil, it would be weird if you DIDN’T feel that way.
Find someone else.