If there’s a punishment in the afterlife for suicide, don’t you think one would deserve it at least until people forgive the suicidal one? I don’t believe with certainty that there’s even an afterlife but you never know. The only thing I’m almost sure of is that there’s no eternal “hell” because there’s so many factors that go into one’s life that It’s not fair to punish you eternally for what you did in a short lifetime. I believe in God for some reason. Also, NDE’s and even science are beginning to support a theory of an afterlife.
The NDEs are compelling. I wonder.
yeah reincarnation exists. there is no eternal hell or heaven. well maybe eternal heaven, but to get there, we go through ALOT of lifes here. bad things happen to us because we messed up in our past lifes. what you may get next life is maybe you having children and one of them would commit the same act you did. I don’t know its just a theory. but its the only explanation. I don’t think God would create evil for no reason. evil is just an absence of good. and this world started with good
Honestly? I have no clue. The unknown is my absolute BIGGEST fear. I am so terrified of not knowing what will happen. I mean obviously, if we get reincarnated, we don’t remember. We don’t remember how we thought, looked, or anything. But then again, what if we just die? What would happen to our mind and soul?
It scares me because I want to end my life. I am so miserable that I would leave my family when I know that it is a hard time for them too. And they aren’t even the reason for me not killing myself yet. What’s stopping me is that fact that I shake with fear when I think about death. Will it be like this life where I can see thing and hear things and I’m a human? Will I be a dog or a cat or any other animal? Do we go to heaven or hell and live our lives there; frozen at our death age? Or will I just cease to exist, mind, body, and soul? And if that’s how it is? What does that mean for me?
The most logical and reasonable thing that happens once you are dead is that you are gone forever. There is no reincarnation or afterlife. Afterlife exists because people WANT it exists. Think about it. Once you die, your “soul” drifts to heaven (a utopia, place of forever happiness) or hell (a terrible terrible place) based on the actions of your life? Sorry I will never BUY that. No matter what. Believing in something after death is nothing but a coping mechanism and just something to give life more meaning. I will not say that there is definitely 100% no after life but I am pretty damn sure there isn’t one.
What happens will always be a mystery, but I think we consciousness and memory forever. Gone. Maybe we could compare that to a dreamless sleep.
We lose*. Huh.