I feel very depressed when I look at my 17-year-old self and remember the hasty choices that I made regarding my career. I’ve ever been very responsible with my school activities and, indeed, I’ve ever excelled; however, fear and anxiety usually devoured my guts so that I couldn’t take the risks and apply to a more profitable major/career at college. When I see my friends who weren’t afraid, chose the right thing and succeeded, I do just want to die; because time doesn’t go back and it sounds like I threw all my opportunities away. Today I’m 27 and I see no other solution than starting again from zero; it also kills me because all of my friends already have their families, their jobs, and, in spite of all my efforts to succeed someday, I’m still a shrimp with a PhD title, which is worth nothing. If I had the guts, I’d easily suicide; but I don’t, so I’ll have to suffer all the distress of college again to try to become somebody in life. And maybe when I am 40, I’ll be happy with my choices.
I think the older you get the more you might regret things you don’t have, haven’t done etc, but when it comes to building happiness you can start from scratch at any age. You have plenty of time to build a career and family. For the people who find those things early or easily, it doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t have their own regrets. If you can’t yet die then making the decision to try to live, make choices and changes and do something new, is a great idea. I hope you find everything you wanted along the way. 🙂
Hey man I relate to your situation. Drop me a e-mail sometime if you don’t mind. We could talk…