I left high school because I was having social issues then I decided to go to Lincoln tech so I could get a good job and not be a looser and I end up getting a 3.0 at the cost of having two guys try to fight me and another pouring a soda over my head I start a job… Hate it conditions are terrible switch fields get lied to on a daily basis about advancement opportunities that don’t exist I meet a beautiful stripper by the name of Mandy real name Tiffany we texted a lot and I felt she may have been playing me so I would keep coming back… I was wrong and now she won’t talk to me anymore I started a new job last week and I’m thriving and my boss said I’m paving a way to becoming a sales manager with my own team yet even with that on the table I’m still so unhappy because I don’t have anything in my life I go to work I come home turn on Apple TV and watch Netflix until 3 am I get up at 9 and get ready for work at noon cursing my life as I go to people’s houses and knock on their door and try to convince them to get a roofing estimate and I’m good I like doing it but that doesn’t make me unhappy… I could pay my dues and become a senior sales representative and make $600,000 a year 2 years from now and that would make me happy because I could just have some beautiful woman pretend to love me and I can feel good about myself until she realizes that I won’t wife her golddigging ass and move on to a new girl I could very well be retired at age 48 at that rate never having to worry about money ever again but I’m not sure if I can make it to that point. There that’s my story. I know you want to say noooo happiness is right around the corner you’ll see well I haven’t met her and I damn sure am not making 600,000 a year right now so it’s more like happiness is 730 1/2 days away… Not sure if I can make it that long 🙁 I hope some woman comes into my life and makes me happy so that I can make it there
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