I met this amazing guy who REALLY !!!! Likes me he’s only 7/8 years older then me but he is honestly so kind hearted and sweet And has the cutest smile and brightest eyes we have a little bit of a language barrier but I’m in contact with him but I live in 1 county and he’s in the other. What do I do I’m not good enough for him but is that my anxiety and lack of self worth I always say I want to aim for more and he’s everything a girl could ask for I always promise myself not settle like my mother but what if I fall for him and he leaves me like everyone else what if he realises I’m no good I’ve never had anyone like me the way he says he does I always keep guys at arms length I got a panick attack and wanted to run because be said he was so happy he gets to spend time with me and how to I explain I’m Demisexual (but a bit more on the asexual side and Demi romantic ) ? What do I do to keep him as a friend or very slowly progress.
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I’m glad you found someone who you find interesting. Since this is an online thing take it slow. Don’t have a bunch of expectations, just enjoy the meeting of minds. Keep it light.
This will give you both a chance to get to know each other. Also this will give you time to see how sexually driven he is. The quicker he starts asking you questions about sex, the higher the likelihood that he won’t be compatible with your demisexuality.
Regardless how nice a guy is always assume that he has an agenda. I know it sounds horrible, but approaching things with a *touch* of suspicion is the way to go. We lock our doors. We keep poison away from kids. We do many things to protect ourselves and others because some people are evil, or screw ups, or don’t know better.
That being said, have fun! Know that you are a simple human like the rest of us. You deserve happiness as much as anyone. You are not ugly or stupid or defective or wrong. In fact, the only people that are ugly or stupid or defective or wrong are people that say mean things.
So don’t say mean things. Only hang out with people that don’t say mean things. If you can do that your life should be pretty decent.
When you and this guy have had some time to share your stories then you can clue him in about your sexuality. If he gets too curious too quickly then tell him you aren’t ready to talk about it yet. If he says OK and lets it go, then he’s a keeper!