I am afraid. Very simply put. Because very rarely am I just afraid with nothing else to feel. There are usually other things, like anxiety, or stress, anger. Not tonight. Tonight I am afraid of the dark, of my dreams, sleeping; of going insane, of staying like this for the rest of my life. I can’t….. I just can’t
Quiet ,
I’ve dealt with fear all my life, and anxiety, or stress, i have other problems physical that intensify it, “nerve damage” it always with me, haunts me, it’s a fight everyday to wake and face another day, and it will never stop!!! No help!! I’ve accepted this is my normal, this is how I shall feel everyday till I’m dead! So be it! The only advice I can give is when having those thoughts back up a bit and laugh, realize it’s your normal make fun of it, laugh in the face of danger, think about the real you , myself i’m a hero! once you accept it then it’s easier to deal with, you can change the channel, say to yourself all right all ready! Enough!! And ignore it.
Totally agree… Best advice ever!!!
Thanks Darvin 🙂