I feel as if death dictates our life in an indirect way. An example of this would being doing all of the things on a bucket list in fear of dying without accomplishing anything. Life is very fragile and temporary and we associate many things with importance since we know life would be meaningless otherwise. Science has never touched the realm of death and currently has no theory of what “life” is like after death. The only thing science can offer is the internal and external definition of death. I don’t believe in any particular afterlife so when someone close to me dies I know that’s it, I’ll never see that person ever again, this belief I have makes my grieving process 10 times more difficult than an average person with a faith. Part of me hopes that I’ll die before my friends, parents, grandparents, etc, since I know I will not be able to cope with anymore loss. Whenever I read up on historical events before I was alive I often wonder where I was when all this was happening. How did billions of years go by without the possibility of me noticing it? Humans believe that they are important to the world but really they are here on earth for a small blink of time. After the hour glass has run out of sand we disappear into the black abyss of nothingness.(I’m sorry my thoughts are all over the place)
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Most of the believers on SP seem to have trouble with a fear of hell so maybe believing that death is a full stop is easier in a way than worrying about hell, purgatory or reincarnation. I like the idea of death being a full stop.