killing yourself won’t bring you to life it will bring you to death, death can’t bring happiness only relief , which ain’t a bad thing 🙂 we all will get that guaranteed! The decision is when, I don’t want to end my misery yet, for I know I’ll never feel anything again once I’m dead, coin toss, try to enjoy what you are and what you have or end it? You can only do this once.
I don’t know how to save you… But I’ll offer you what keeps me going. ‘This, too, shall pass.’ ‘Everything Ends.’ ‘Nothing Lasts forever.’ A handful of sayings that mean that even when it’s dark it can’t always stay, as much as they mean that good things go too. It’s not comforting but it’s what I’ve got.
I sent that before I was done with it…
because I’d rather you be able to be happy, being miserable sucks and being dead is a crapshoot, at least here you know what’s possible. Before you take methods into your own hands at least try out different methods to feel better
evanescence… Are you serious about the title?
Yes. I am.
vvimarshana ,
killing yourself won’t bring you to life it will bring you to death, death can’t bring happiness only relief , which ain’t a bad thing 🙂 we all will get that guaranteed! The decision is when, I don’t want to end my misery yet, for I know I’ll never feel anything again once I’m dead, coin toss, try to enjoy what you are and what you have or end it? You can only do this once.
I meant, Save me before I quit now. 🙁
Please don’t. <3
I don’t know how to save you… But I’ll offer you what keeps me going. ‘This, too, shall pass.’ ‘Everything Ends.’ ‘Nothing Lasts forever.’ A handful of sayings that mean that even when it’s dark it can’t always stay, as much as they mean that good things go too. It’s not comforting but it’s what I’ve got.
And, you know, obviously I don’t want you to do it
I sent that before I was done with it…
because I’d rather you be able to be happy, being miserable sucks and being dead is a crapshoot, at least here you know what’s possible. Before you take methods into your own hands at least try out different methods to feel better
I tried everything I meet. Now I’m tired of trying. 🙁