Good morning my little and desert world…Here I am, one day more of life going by. We never should count the hours, the days, the weeks, the years. We should count the blessing of every dawn, I know that. However, when our days run in the way we do not want, we prefer to forget even that we are here, in time and space. We start looking life with different lenses. Reflections become our every day breakfast. Some people come, some other go, and some others stay with us until eternity. Mom and Dad always taught me to be patience, positive, to treat others with respect and love, they taught me how important family and friends are. I miss them all, I miss all the good people, those who always are there for you, those that suffer with your pain, those that no matter what never will hurt you.
I met reality. Life is not easy, some never realize that, others live the many life of others, some are carrying their bodies, our bodies full of scars. Sometimes on our face our smile start dissipating and start changing to match with the world around.
Some day the world will be different, someday Love will become our flag, some day people will put in the trash their thirsty of revenge, their power, their frustrations, their envy and all the negative feelings they are carrying.
Someday people will understand that is not easy the exile, that is not easy reinvent ourselves more that one time because few decided to sequestrate our souls and spirit.
Someday we all we be happy, and if it is not on this world, maybe in a parallel universe, but somewhere, we will receive what we really deserve, Love.
This was… hmm.
I found a lot of it to be true. I hope that hope of a better world is an actual possibility.
thank you.