I’m 15 and I have zero friends and just want some one to talk to. I’ve never really had any friends/girlfriend. I fell like just killing myself idk what to do anymore.
I’m 15 and I have zero friends and just want some one to talk to. I’ve never really had any friends/girlfriend. I fell like just killing myself idk what to do anymore.
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Hey Jon. I’m 55, have a small handful of friends, and am awake ’cause my father is too weak to move his pillow. I’ve never had many friends. The first time I tried to kill myself when I was 11. I didn’t do a good job.
I didn’t know what to do when I was 11, 15, 19, 23, 29, 34, 37, 48, and 54. I probably didn’t know what to do on any year not listed but I didn’t think too much about it, probably.
Is there a concrete reason you can point at for wanting to die or is it more like life is massively sucky?
When I was 15 I was massively bullied at school… Now I am 23 and I am far more respected but I find life more difficult.
15 is really hard. So is 47.
33 here. 0 friends as well (well, at least irl ones), and at your age i was at the point you describe: 0 friends, never had a girlfriend (don’t have one now either), and yeah, also questioned why the hell i kept on going. The thing is, you never know what’s going to happen, so you might turn it around or things might remain the same. I have no real advice to give you (because all situations are different), but maybe sticking around for a while in hope that things change is not a bad idea in your case. Life does change drastically between 15-25, so you might be in for several surprises/changes along the way (if you decide to stick around).
61 here and I can tell you that this does not have to be a permanent situation.
I didn’t have a girlfriend until I was 16 and she was from a totally different school. My first drivers license is what opened the world for me.
For what it’s worth, here is what I have realized since the school days that I hated so much.
Everyone who knows you has some opinion of you and they may be different than you think.
I was too insecure to try joining any of the cliques that have developed through the years, and was an only child, so I often found myself alone.
There weren’t as many opportunities to escape as there are now. For one, there was no internet so there wasn’t a space like this where you can connect with others who have felt your pain.
Reaching out here is a good start, but try to make yourself join some group outside of your current environments.
Find someplace physical or online where you will be new and people will not have already pigeonholed you.
Once you are able to get out into a college or the workplace, you will find that there is an entire world of people out there who you can connect with.
Hey i’m 22 minus a few weeks! I didn’t have a support group until recently so I know how you feel; wanting to talk to someone, but not having anyone to talk to.
Hey Jon 🙂
I just want to ask: Who are you? Tell us about yourself! 🙂
hey, jon:) so if the main reason you want to kill yourself is because you don’t have people then you should wait until you get out of high school because high schoolers are idiots. i know it’s really hard to get through things without people, but we can take care of you until you find someone. if you’re religious then you can take comfort in knowing that God is always with you and loves you very much. i don’t know what i’m doing most of the time but i’m here if you need to talk