Im 30 years old and have realized my mental problems started at a young age. Now being married for almost 10 years with 2 kids i feel like i cant go on anymore. Im socially irresponsable. Cant hold a job down. Have no savings and just down right a sorry excuse for a human in every aspect of the phrase. Ive cut off pretty much every relationship ive ever had with anyone because i got tired of letting people down. Ive been a manipulator since being malested by a neighbor at age 7 and never speaking up about it. Ive contiplated this for some time now and feel the time has come. Im a bad father, son, husband, employee and just a bad person all around.
Sounds human to me. That is currently not a crime.
Have you thought about talking to a therapist?
I could have written this myself- if I were a man!
Add on to that more debt than I make in a year and you have my failures summed up too.
Life is hard. Some people are better at it than others.
I’m sure you’re good at those things in some ways and bad in others. I think you should look for help before you go down this route. Even if you think you’re bad at all those things, they’re still responsibilities. If you haven’t had help before (at least, any help that worked), then you haven’t really had a chance to be happy or put aside the parts of you that you dislike. I think you (and your family) deserve that chance.