I’m 18, and I recently moved out of my parents house. I have three jobs, and I go to college, but I feel like I’m really bad at it. I feel manic, depressed, or anxious at all times, nothing seems real, I’m irritable as all hell, and I get high almost every day now just to get through all the self hate, guilt, and crazy thoughts running through my head at light speed. I don’t even want to die because of a situation I’m in or a person or anything, I just feel like I’m so bad at being alive and my mental illness is never, ever going to let me just be a normal person… I’m laughing and climbing the walls and telling people off and spending all my money and having way too much sex and driving recklessly and spouting nonsense and scaring my friends, or I’m sad and self conscious and anxious and I hate myself more than anything and I feel disgusting. I can’t find one instance in the past few months where I’ve felt just normal, just content, bored even. I can’t apparently handle being responsible for myself, because I feel like, certifiably crazy half the time and I don’t know how I’m supposed to be someone who’s alive and takes care of themselves and I doubt I ever will be. I hate everything I am and have been and eventually will be. I just don’t wanna be here anymore
Hey there friend.
I just turned twenty at the end of last month, and I must say, the fact that you moved out of your parents house, have 3 jobs and going to college. Holy shit, that’s a lot to do my friend. I commend you for your efforts, because that is not easy to juggle.
Life isn’t easy, man. That’s the inevitable truth about it.
Normalcy is a social construct that I’ve grown to hate, because it is one of the most confusing definitions in existence.. Apparently, you have to be set in some kind of acceptable social behavior and yet, still retain some form of originality?? Idk, sometimes I think being “weird” is normal too. Uniqueness is what makes us human..
I’m sad and self conscious and anxious and I hate myself more than anything and I feel disgusting. I feel this quite often, especially now.
This point in your life is very transitional. That’s okay. You will have lots of bumps and bruises at this point in time, that’s also okay. You will learn more and more about taking care of yourself and you will grow to be better in time. I’m not saying your problems and issues will disappear.. That doesn’t happen all the time. All I’m saying is that it will take time to adjust yourself to this new scheme of life, and that you should do what you can to make adjusting easier. Never said it would be easy. (I don’t want to sound mean or anything)
Spending all of your money too quickly? Make a list of what you need to be spending money on, and how much each thing costs, and manage your budget that way. Maybe that will help cut your “bad” spending habits (idk what you’re spending money on). Just an example.
I really wish I had other words of encouragement, but it seems my mind is mush now.. I hope some of this helps a little.
I spent about 5 years straight feeling like you do right now. Have you seen a therapist? It may be that you need medicine to come down and stabilize. And you are doing so many things at once, I totally get that. I am the same way.
i am here to tell you do what is fun and you are way to young to think life isn’t going to change because trust me it will , plan a trip anywhere overnight and watch all the people and how big this world is and how tiny your problems really are from afar . travel !!!! just trying to help with advice and they are like assholes everybody’s got one