I hate nights. They are the absolute hardest. Everything is quiet, I have no family or friends. I go through my phone trying to find someone to talk to and no one responds. I scroll through my Facebook that I haven’t posted on in weeks and it’s all holiday pictures of families. It’s human nature to want someone to share your life with and I hate it. So I sit in silence in my room and read articles. :(. It’s such a lonely life at the end of the day.
When I was 18 I was in college. I was undiagnosd and pretty far gone. I would wander campus at night just desperately lonely. For hours. I’d sit in the dark under some over hang or another and just wait quietly for anyone to come by. I think I was hoping someone would save me from myself, no one came.
I think if I had something like this I might have gotten the help I needed back them. No one guided me towards mental health and my home situation was abusive at best. Point is, you are here with us on this forum, you have hope and a supportive community.
Is your room nice and quiet? can I come sit there,where it is quiet because they are killing people with the volume all the way up in my living room….and I just need some quiet.
My kids are in bed by 8pm every night and the only noises I hear are from my pit baby scratching on occasion. It is extremely quiet. You can come anytime.
What is a pit baby?
My pit bull puppy.
Pitties are such loves
The most crying because I feel t he same way I hate being alone on my birthday I need to be loved but I’m too ugly to be loved.
I feel the same. To ugly to be loved or wanted by anyone. I’m sorry you feel this way, it is extremely painful.
LOL I googled it and got about 1000 beautiful pitpups. They are just adorable. Lucky you.
It is painful to be this ugly and alone because of it. ?