Earlier in the day, my counselor mentioned something about “learned optimism” which I don’t comprehend. I don’t think being optimistic will benefit me when it is counterproductive to my desire. The thing I desire the most is sleep that will last forever; simply because I find living to be too troublesome. So, what reason is there for a man who cares not of human desires nor of universal events to breathe? In a world that shuns inactivity, happiness is only a delusion for people like me. I pray there is no one like me in the whole, entire world since this is a fate far worse than any Hell. Unfortunately, I’m sure I’m not the only one like this. The sad reality is as long as we are unable to find something we want to live for… An eternal escape is our only way to happiness. As for me, I’ve searched for something I want to live for yet never found the answer… Be it love, family, fame, riches, pleasure, what have you, all of them are not the answer I’m looking for.
Learned optimism. The first word is learned so it takes time, its not something you can do overnight, just wake up put on a smile and be happy-go-lucky about everything. You have to teach yourself to be positive, already you said “I don’t think it will work”, but you should say “I don’t know if it will work until I try it”. You have to give yourself a chance to change. It all starts with the things you say to yourself (something I work on every day). Just changing what you say to and about yourself maybe just maybe it will give you the hope to find something to love. And a little bit of hope (optimism) is all you need to try.
I think learned optimism is a great idea. Optimism, even without happiness, = hope and motivation to keep working on overcoming the pain. Hopefully it’ll lead to better things.
Looking for external escapes stopped working for me – it was just a way to stay alive from day to day. Learning skills to change the way your mind works sounds more promising for depression that runs so deep. It’s healing at the source.
Being optimistic was the main reason I went back to a Psychologist. I was making my depression worse by being optimistic and always clinging onto false hope. I can not find anything worth living for. I can not even find a reason or any motivation to battle my depression.
My depression has not taken anything good from my life so that I would be motivated to battle my depression so I can get back to pre-depression days. I had no reason to live before I become depressed. That’s why I became depressed. Psychologists can’t accept that.
I think if you start with trying “learned curiosity”, then “learned optimism” might make more sense. To be optimistic without a sense of curiosity is, in my opinion, a little pointless. What is there to be optimistic about if you have no desire to know what happens next?
In my low moments I need to tell myself that something funny or stupid or annoying or unexpected always happens each day, so what little thing might happen tomorrow? I then look for something external so that I can simply observe. That way it can’t affect my emotions and it brings me a little more out of myself.
I hope someday, like I hope for myself, that you find the answer.