I’ve been awake since 6 am and I haven’t stopped crying . It’s 1:20 pm . I am literally going insane . I just punched my self in the face. I’m so fucking fustrated and sad. I don’t know what to do anymore . I hate this god damn life . I wish I had the guts to kill myself
Why r u hurting so much? You are a young woman. What’s causing you so much pain? You blame yourself for your mother’s suicide? She loved you, you know that.
October rain , I didn’t really know my mom. I’m sad about her death but that’s not all the reasons i feel this way . I’m just alone . Really alone . I don’t have any friends . People judge me . My obsessive thoughts over take my mind . It’s everything.
I wish to just have someone hold me when I cry . But I instead lay in my bed in my pitch dark room in silence and cry . This is the loneliest feeling possible
I feel the same shit. All I want to do is go.
If you wanna skype sometimes, give me your screen name.
I’ll have to make a new one . But you can email me . Nicolehawkins123@gmail.com
Alright got it. If u don’t want strangers emailing u, take this post down. You’ll know it’s me because I’ll know the stuff we talk about on here.
U need to go out for professional help!!