I was thinking about hobbies and stuff recently. My therapist told me they’re pretty important in regards to recovery. So I was wondering, what are y’all’s hobbies? Any weird ones, or any newfound ones?
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That’s hell, man. I’m so sorry.
I never did cut, but I did used to beat myself senseless/strangle myself with a dog chain. It’s a difficult demon to quit.
I like art and music. I play guitar and paint pictures almost all day, every day. Dont watch much tv or play video games. I recently made a coffee cup out of pounded-out quarters that were welded together. What about you? What do you like?
Man, I’ve always admired people who could paint. That stuff’s magic to me. I don’t understand how anyone can do liquid mediums, how anyone can muster control over such an unruly element, haha. That’s why I stick to dry mediums. Anyway, that all sounds interesting. Especially that part about the cup? How’d you do that?? I mean, I know you welded up, but more specifically. And the big question: can you drink from it?
After thinking about it for a while, I have a lot more hobbies than I thought I did. I do art, too— mostly traditional, pencil and ink. Some pastel and stuff. But I haven’t done any art for a while. Writing has largely replaced that. I might write a poem once in a blue moon, but usually I write prose. Been working on a novel for a while now, suck miserably.
Other hobbies, most of them weird: Entomology and Arachnology, I freaking love bugs. Bushcraft, in case I ever decide to dash. Taxidermy (don’t do it myself, it just interests me). Zoology. Prehistoric and sometimes cryptozoology (yeah, laugh if you want to.) Latin. Fishing, which I haven’t done in a while. I always seem to catch catfish, too. Guess that would explain the username. 🙂
Anyway, now I feel self-centered, lol.
I’m also really good at being pretentious. 🙂
Drawing, playing video games, taking care of animals (dogs mostly), studying biology (idk if this is a hobby. Ehh whatever! 😛 ), newest addition: singing, cooking and gardening (it’s been quite a while since i’ve practiced these two) that’s all.
I’m not good in all of those, i just practice them for fun. ^__^
It’s okay to have hobbies that you don’t consider yourself good at. 🙂 The point of hobbies is to have fun, and nobody starts out good. (And biology is definitely a hobby! A very fun one, too.)
Hey, there are definitely worse ways to spend your time. Unless, of course, your sleeping is getting in the way of real life responsibilities?
Sleeping is my favourite “activity”. Especially when the dreams are cool.
I WISH I could play guitar. I have one, finally, but don’t have the time or energy for it. It’s definately easier on one that’s built left handed, but still, I’m too exhausted all the time.
I used to collect rocks, gems, crystals, and geode pieces. I’m a rockhound. I had my first collection as a kid thrown out, and my collection as an adult taken as “payment” for staying somewhere that I didn’t even stay. So basically stolen. sigh. I had some amazing pieces. Nothing over $20, but still, ones that I felt connected to.
I draw (even posted some shirtless anime girls a while ago on SP) and write weird poetry. I also have a huge collection of crystals and gemstones. Yes, I do look a bit like a hippie. Just a bit.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention my collection of Sailor Moon/Clamp related items.
Nope, I removed them myself. Do you want to see some?
Did your drawings get taken down?
I know I’m proving how much of a country bumpkin I am but I liked winemaking and hunting. Its hard to find the drive to do those things lately. I also used to fish when my grandpa was around.
Reading, researching, writing, hiking, and watching certain tv shows and movies. I enjoy folklore, spooky stuff, sci-fi, and Japanese culture.
Geez, that sounded like an ad for a singles site. The only thing missing is candlelight dinners and walks on the beach. :-/
Um… I’m taking pictures of dolls. I want to take pictures of people, but I’m too shy. I know it sounds sinister, but, well. Anyway…
Sorry if I’m being nosy, but what kind of dolls? I know my question is a sinister too, don’t worry lol
Um… Barbie-type dolls. I bough them off some guy online. I’m considering getting a better one, ’cause these are pretty stiff and hard to pose. Anyway, last person I told was like tmi, which I understand. It’s pretty f***ed up.
I’d suggest you to google ball jointed dolls (BJDs). My sister has a few dolls and uses them as “models”. Unfortunately, they’re usually a little expensive, but I’m sure you can find cheaper dolls online.
Thanks. I actually found some and they’re pretty damn bodacious. And they’re called PHICEN, which is a homonym for “the *****” in my language, which amuses me.
You’re welcome. I hope you can get a new doll soon.
That reminds me of a past SP user… Their username meant “fart” in my language, lol. I hope they’re doing well.
Thanks 🙂
I too hope that Fart is doing well.
@Mus: that isn’t weird, that is really cool.
Thanks HDS <3
FTR i don’t think taking pictures of dolls is fucked up. I have plenty of figurines (mainly anime/videogames) related ones, and even if i don’t take pictures of them, i used to have several friends that did, so i don’t think there’s anything wrong with it (but what do i know, lol).
Hobbies… let’s see: watching stuff on the internet (anime/tv series/videogames related stuff/documentaries/etc), playing videogames, listening to music, playing guitar, singing, drawing (once a year, lol), writing (mostly awful lyrics), gunpla (building model kits), cooking, staring at my walls for indefinite periods of time. Yeah, i think those kinda cover it, lol.
Lol, your friends took pictures of your dolls?
What kind of model kits do you build?
@muspelhem: haha no, guess i worded it incorrectly. I meant to say that they collect figurines and they take pictures of theirs (and usually spam social media with them).
I mostly build gundam robot kits since those don’t require glue (it’s optional), and i’ve done a few resin kits and painted them (which is a whole other hobby on itself… pretty time consuming). I remember doing some airplanes at some point in my life but for some reason they didn’t grab my attention for too long.
Tbh I intentionally misunderstood it.
Neat. It sounds really nice. Working with your hands is nice.
Hobbies? Feeling sorry for myself; reading Lee Child’s Jack Reacher series; playing with computers (when I get bored, I format my HD and install another version of Linux); playing guitar (but I suck); working out.
My brother loved the Jack Reacher series. He used to tell me about them.
I’ve read all of them at least twice now, some three times. Looking forward to the newest one (Make Me), but I’m waiting for the price to come down. (seems someone got a big head and really jacked up the prices)
“I was thinking about hobbies and stuff recently. My therapist told me they’re pretty important in regards to recovery. ”
i’m starting a new club! that should keep me busy!
Golf club? Strip club?
I love how I do that! Draw you in! you had to ask! Well here it goes!
It’s called SWP! Sex Without Partners! At the moment I’m the president! Matter of fact the only member! Still trying to figure out how this hobby will help mankind? Well I guess there won’t be any little Rocketman destroying the planet! Truthfully one Rocketman is enough! I’m sure everyone on here agrees with me!
However if your interested in joining just write to:
SP Sex Without Partners . Com
Seriously I cook! I always have but mostly submarine sandwiches, chili cheese burgers, you know tasty quick food, but that changed when my mother died now I cook, pot roast, beef stroganoff, hams, soups, etc. I try to copy what she use to make, I miss her cooking and I miss her, I always feel better eating my mothers home cooking.
I love how I do that! Draw you in! you had to ask! Well here it goes!
It’s called SWP! Sex Without Partnersss! At the moment I’m the president! Matter of fact the only member! Still trying to figure out how this hobby will help mankind? Well I guess there won’t be any little Rocketman destroying the planet! Truthfully one Rocketman is enough! I’m sure everyone on here agrees with me!
However if your interested in joining just write to:
In care of Sex Without Partnerssss
Seriously I cook! I always have but mostly submarine sandwiches, chili cheese burgers, you know tasty quick food, but that changed when my mother died now I cook, pot roast, beef stroganoff, hams, soups, etc. I try to copy what she use to make, I miss her cooking and I miss her, I always feel better eating my mothers home cooking.
I love how I do that! Draw you in! you had to ask! Well here it goes! I COULDN’T USE THE P WORD!
It’s called SWA! Sex Without anyone! At the moment I’m the president! Matter of fact the only member! Still trying to figure out how this hobby will help mankind? Well I guess there won’t be any little Rocketman destroying the planet! Truthfully one Rocketman is enough! I’m sure everyone on here agrees with me!
However if your interested in joining just write to:
In care of Sex Without anyone
Seriously I cook! I always have but mostly submarine sandwiches, chili cheese burgers, you know tasty quick food, but that changed when my mother died now I cook, pot roast, beef stroganoff, hams, soups, etc. I try to copy what she use to make, I miss her cooking and I miss her, I always feel better eating my mothers home cooking.
But… if no one’s involved… is it even sex? I mean, tree falls in forest and no one’s there and all that.
Sorry about your mother :/
Your getting to serious! about the sex! 🙂
And thanks about my mother! 🙂
Oh. I take sex very seriously. It can’t be all fun and games, you know.
i use to go treasure hunting, I use to smash rocks open to see if they were prettier on the inside, I use to ride horses, I use to draw, I use to collect pennies and buttons and the state quarters. Now my hobbies are getting high or figuring out how to knit this beanie… lol
oh that is really nice.
I write, collect bugs, cactus garden, xeroscape, recently I got back into water coloring, I used to sew a lot and build my own looms and wove handbags out of the scraps from my sewing and sold them at a shop in town. Teaching myself computer coding, recently learned html. Cooking, especially asian like Korean, Japanese and Chinese…and home improvement. Up to and including building custom showers. Oh and camping. Primitive camping. Hm. working up to a marathon too. I can almost run to an entire song. um. oh and recently chickens. But that was a forced hobby. I used to do dog rescue but I shelved that when I went back to work full time.
Shit just reading that exhausts me.
i like camping, backpacking and coding too! have been working on my running, this summer I was able to run a 5k
That is impressive. I don’t think I can even do a 1K at this point. My daughter suggested tonight we run in some kind of race where you throw glow in the dark paint all over yourself, I have to admit is sounds intriguing.
I had worked my way back up to being able to jog for half an hour. Then my knees decided they’d had enough and I pretty much had to give it up again. Too bad, I’d been able to drop 10 lbs since Spring.
The only one of my hobbies I can still do is weekends away camping on my own. None of that glamping or “take all the things!” bullshit either — I’m talking about carrying a 40 kg pack across 12 klicks of uneven terrain with all your earthly possessions on your back and the coastline to your immediate front. I’d just set up a half shelter and sleep on a self inflating mat inside my bivvy bag. I’d usually stay out for three days or until I ran out of ORPs (MRE to you Spams). It’s good fun, if not hell on my farkin’ foot these days.
Used to bake once upon a time. Enjoyed doing landscaping and setting up veggie gardens. Kayaking on the waterfront. Hunting trips up north. Doing my RFL three nights a week. All the stuff I loved doing, y’know?
Had an interesting read through everyone else’s stuff though. Thanks for setting up this post.
I rock climb and listen to music mostly, but I hoop and do a radio show online and sing in private (muspelhem I still owe you that video)
I would LOVE to see/hear it! 🙂 It means a lot to me that you did that.
I play a lot of sports. I run, play association football, and basketball. I also like shopping for basketball shoes. I currently have half a dozen basketball shoes; half of which, I barely use.
Specifically, I find basketball my little reflection of what I hope for in my life. I practice almost daily in order to play better in games. Practice by myself has now become my discipline, a necessity, and an art. It’s where I explore new moves and hone old ones. Then in games, I try to recreate the perfect balance of routine brought about by my practice sessions and letting instinct thrive to fully excel.
Oh, if only I could apply what I do in basketball in my own life… Hehe
Go to Steam and download Dota 2, it’s free. [it’s not just free to test, it’s free forever]
You’ll be enchanted by this game, it’s so complex you could spend half of your life there
And also… it’s a team game so it’s good to make friends there