Recently I have come to the conclusion that the thing causing my life to be shit is not some kind of exterior force, bad luck or me being the victim of circumstance, it’s me. This conclusion even relates to my shitty experience in my early school days. I’m talking about times that I didn’t fit in and was bullied. Bullies don’t pick at random who to bully, they go for particular types of personalities, all these things originates from within the victim themselves.
btw I’m not justifying bullying, I think it’s a terrible, terrible thing. But in my negatives trains or thought I have arrived at the conclusion that it might not be the world that is bad… It’s most likely me
thats why taking my own life makes so much more sense than fighting back
1 comment
While I agree that for most of the time, “we are the creators of our own happiness” (I don’t know the exact translation), the bullying wasn’t your fault. It is true that some people are more likely to get bullied, but that doesn’t mean it’s their fault. Lets not replace causation with correlation. If that were true, then would you say disabled people, who are, as sad as it is, often victims of bullying, caused it by themselves? I doubt, so don’t beat yourself for what is not your fault.
Sincerely, this comes from a horrible person, who had seen a lot of bullying and while he had the chance to stop many cases, it took him several years before he finally stood up for someone else.