I’ve been reading recent posts and think it’s a very positive thing that you make new year antecipations and resolutions. it means deep down you still have at leats a tiny shred of hope.
Lately i find myself living day by day and dreading the future, which for some who used to think far ahead makes me unrecongnisable for myself.
Keep up the good hopes 😉
I used to plan a lot too, I had my whole future planned out. Now I don’t even know if I’ll live to 20, or if I even want to. lmao who the fuck am I now
thats not really a good response to a veyr optimistic post sorry ( I’ve been awake since before new years) But I agree, resolutions are very good 🙂
No need to apologise, i used to be just like you specially when i was you age, looking back now maby thats was part of the problem i was too muhc focoused on the future some present opportunities may have passed me by