My mum is accusing me of making everything up. This isn’t the first time. She used to say this about my depression. Then my anxiety. Then when I first started hearing and seeing things. And now again. I told her weeks ago when she found out about the Angels that I haven’t told anyone because not only do I not know if they’re Others, but I was scared no one would believe me. And now she says this. Apparently it’s too much for her to handle and she wants to walk out on me. It’s getting to the point where I’m starting to almost hate her. This all kicked off because I refused to go to college (I stayed off yesterday because of my sleep). I told her (after she yelled for almost 2 hours) that the Angels said there are Others in my class, and she’s been nothing but sarcastic and bitchy about it. I can’t cope in this house anymore. I can’t cope with anything anymore. I’m almost at the point where I’m just going to give up.
Hi, jiminy!
I thought of you today when I saw a list of helpful resources.
It was for people who aren’t able to talk on the phone and can’t call someone for help.
I remembered you telling us you aren’t able to use the phone.
The page has some help chats, also some e-mail contacts. and some other pages too.
There might be something there you could use.
Here it is… put three W’s and a dot in front of this:
I’m sorry to hear your mum is giving you so much trouble.
I wish she was better about being supportive. 🙁
Thanks for the list, Cordless. I’ll look through it this afternoon when I have time and see if I can find something helpful from it.
I’m getting used to the lack of support from family, since they haven’t been for the last 5 years anyway.
Hi, Jiminy.
That list which Cordless posted is quite extensive. It gives a lot of options that don’t involve speaking on the phone. Among them, e-mail and texting (SMS) can be convenient if you can’t speak on the phone.
A few years ago, you commented that you wrote poems. Do you still write them?
I do still write poetry, though it’s rare now. It’s hard to focus on it at the moment, so I’ve been focus img more on my art instead.