This piece was composed by Cordless.
I just did some production editing.
No offense meant Cordless. I absolutely loved it. That’s why I wanted to work with it. If it upsets you at all, just say so I’ll take it down and bury it in the depths of hell forever.
Iiiitttttt’sss vvveeeerrrryyyyy sssllllllooooooooowwwww, isn’t it…? 😮
It makes me think of being in the bottom-most quarters of a giant steel ship, like some of those scenes from the Titanic. Surrounded by steel, with nothing but miles of dark cold water beneath me.
I’m still partial to my original version, probably because that’s what my mind and heart created (and is therefore the version I personally identify with more).
But if you identify with this version more, then yay for that.
(If anyone hasn’t heard my original, here’s where I posted it:)
It did remind me of a movie score kind of. I still have an unedited original as well. I think my version I a bit darker, ominous….lol…. The piano has an almost organ sound.