Things was good me n him then he relaspsed pycosis im scard it will take him away from me i had to get u help but everytime u call u say hurtful n things like u r not with me but before u relapsed we was good i am scared idk what i can do with out u i wait for u to.come bk home or will.u ever as ur mind right now thinks diff i hope u hold on to us i have nothin with out u but i will be patient things right now feel as if my world is falling hello all tonight hope all is well
Hi hatedgirl. That was a little dicey to read. What is going on?
My bf has pycosis and he got sick and he says im not with him and making lies up saying he dont live with me but he does i had to get him help because he is not him self but before he relaasped he would say he loves me and we was good i feel im.losing him tried to call him and he dont.feel like talking to call him tmoz ugh im scraed of losing him
I saw on the other post.