This is my second post. I still feel depressed. I lost my baby and can’t seem to get over it. My dad tells me I’m fat everyday and says I should go to the gym but I don’t really want my bump to go away…at least not yet. I even miss the asshole of the father of my baby even thou he mistreated me and is happy as it could be. I can’t trust anyone. I feel alone. My family is not supportive. I wish to be gone.
i am so so sorry…here to talk if u need
can u still talk?
here.. whenever .. u need me
I’m sorry that you had to go through that. Your dad is a ass for saying that kind of thing to you. You just lost your baby, you have every right to be grieving, and if your baby bump is a source of memories for you, he should respect that. Grief and loss take time to get over, it’s not something that can be rushed.
And you’re not at fault for having feelings for the father. You can’t control how you feel, and guys like him, who hurt women and use them for their own purposes, know how to manipulate you into feeling safe and secure, only to show their real colors when it’s too late.
Though I don’t know you in person, you don’t have to be alone. This is what this site is for, what we’re all here for. For you to talk to others and find some support among our raggedy group
Hey Canadiansunset,
I am sorry for your lost. Cry it for as long as you need. You are the only one that know how long you need to. But don’t avoid crying because thats your right.
Father’s aren’t insensitive, for that’s how one reads such a comment. They just don’t know how to express themselves and that is what they end up saying.
Keep posting.
And my family doesn’t understand what I’m going through and my mom just recently took my phone away from me and she said that as long as I live in her house she can take away whatever she wants from me (I didn’t use to live with her) and that was my only way out of what I’m feeling because I could talk to my friends or people who listened and were actually helping.
I’m here…
I just want to talk 🙁
Well we’re here if yoh want to talk to us. As I’ve said I’ve been there on many levels and I know more than one of the other ladies have been through similar things. I’m more than happy to listen and talk about tjis with you. That is if you want to.
yes, I would like to. I feel so alone.
I feel really lo ely most days too.
Like my mom mistreats me, my dad thinks I’m a whore, my sister doesn’t help me and I feel worthless.