A homeless/semi-homeless person coming from the streets trying to get on their feet shouldn’t owe the government jack shit when you don’t get jack shit. Somehow my taxes got fucked up at work and what’s even more fucked up is I have to claim one job as two jobs because both have their own EIN and W2. But the deal was, my employer’s finances went through another company as they were a start up. When they separated and became their own entity, they got their own EIN and new payroll system. So when the first W2 ends from the parent company, with the grand total for the year on their own system, it’s going to look like I had 2 jobs and made twice as much when I didn’t! Just running the first W2 alone says I owe about $1000. I only made $15,000 total but because of the split I’ll have to report earning $30,000 when I fucking didn’t. So there goes my Obamacare plus how the fuck am I going to pay for shit when I barely have $20 a week to myself to live on after rent and transportation!? What pisses me off even more is people who work full time can get full benefits of $190/mo in food stamps but someone who gets like 10-20 hrs a week depending on the fucking day and if there’s any shit to give me to do, no fucking way I can’t get a dime! I don’t have shit, can’t get shit, and I owe thousands?!?!?!?! What the fuck am I supposed to do!?!?! I just fucking KNEW living on my own would land me in jail either over the student loans or taxes once I had a job!!!!
You absolutely don’t have to report $30 if you only made $15, so just use the one W2. Don’t forget to claim any student Lian interest, med expenses. Work expenses and. Charitable givings
Apparantly the expensive bus passes here do not count as transportation expense, only gas and mileage for car owners. Poor people on public transit like me don’t get anything.
Just use whichever W2 is most accurate. On 15,000 minus your $6,300 for personal/single then subtract $500 for non-receipt donation. Your at $8200, subtract anything you paid medical. Even at $8200 your tax is $820 so the difference between that and what u paid is your return.
If, and this is a BIG IF, you’re audited, just explain your employer jacked the paperwork. But the odds of an audit is less than 1/2 percent
Well yes my boss says I have to claim BOTH jobs, file BOTH EIN W2’s, and claim $27,000 when I only made $15,000 and be taxed on it because oh well they split off so yes that makes it two employers!
Sue him for the difference. If he says he paid $27 and you only got $15, he owes you $12
No, they say I had two employers. One where Jan-Sept ended with $12k and I must file that W2 plus their W2 from Sept-Dec that shows I made $15k for the year which will add up to $27k but they acknowledge that I had one continuous job where I earned $15k but I must file both jobs and report what the W2’s say, which leads any tax filing system to think “oh two jobs for a total of $27k”.
Just file the second W2. If you’re audited blame everything on the employer because THEY should be audited, not you. That is very poor management on their part.
What I don’t understand is why they can’t just separate the amounts you were given? The total for Jan-Sept, and a separate total for Sept-Dec? I mean, if they’re doing this to everyone, not just you, they should be reported to a Department of Revenue because they’ll be screwing everyone over.
You should try to find an accountant, or even someone you trust who knows how to do taxes, maybe they can figure out a way for you to only report the one income that you did receive.
I can’t pay anyone to do my taxes or accounting. I don’t make enough money. I barelyg et $20 a week to myself if I’m lucky. I pay $160 a week for a place to crash and bus passes are $30 a week on top of that I need $30 a month to keep my phone on and $100 every 3 months for my meds.
Your boss is unfortunately right. Unless you can show he shorted you income, you have to claim both jobs. FTR my husband has three jobs one year and I had two. That was claiming five jobs. It isn’t the number of jobs, it is the total income. So unless you have all your paystubs backing up that he shorted you, there isn’t much you can do. You are a 1099 employee right?
No these are W2’s and I only had one continuous job that paid $15k no way did I earn money like that from two jobs
You only file what you earned. If your employer is claiming you earned more than you received that is illegal and against labor law. You can put a wage claim in against them at your local workforce center. If I were you I would gather up all your paystubs. You should have them available electronically. Could it be possible you did indeed earn that amount last year? 27K isn’t that much.
No, I didn’t earn $27k. I earned $15k. The difference is around $3k, which makes sense. From Jan-Sept their finances ran through the parent company, so I got paid through the parent company. They split off in Sept and had to get their own EIN and payroll in place. So mid Sept-Dec I was on their system. But they are sending me a W2 that has the year end total of the $15k I earned working for them Jan-Dec. The problem is, and they said that yes I am liable for earnings from both employers “even though” it was one continuous job to have worked for them. The split is somehow my responsibility and I have to claim the Sept end total and Dec end total because they come from different companies.