Can’t even describe how I feel right now. It’s so new. Not sad or angry or scared or hopeful. At peace? I don’t know. Maybe it just hasn’t really hit me yet that I’ve decided to do it. The reality of being dead. I don’t know if it’s a good thing or if I should try to reason with it. Feeling detached would definitely make it easier. But is my fear just laying dormant for now?
Your feeling acceptance you’ve made peace with what ever the choice or situation is by the sounds of it
Death acceptance brings peace…that’s it!
Take your time… accepting…questioning…deciding
i do know this: the innate survival instinct is hard wired into us. No matter how much we long to leave our bodies in the transformation commonly referred to as death, it is our in our nature to go on living, no matter how miserable that life may be.
But there only so much one person can take tho certain methods give you the choice of testing that survival instinct others take it away