Been feeling sorry for my self all day after taking more then I should have of my anti depressants to make me sleep on impulse hoping to knock me out all day but woke up mid day which sucked no it wasn’t an attempt how’s everyone else coping today
Everything just sucks, so I guess I’m not coping very well. 🙁
Sorry to hear that izzy your not alone in the struggle
Decent enough, but pretty sure that it’s not going to last. FTR i’ve had that happen lots of times (the take more pills in order to sleep more thing)… and everytime i just wake up and end up angry at myself for not being able to sleep.
Hope it lasts yeah tried to get most of today out the way didn’t really work sigh
The forum is hopping. seems everyone is having a huge hilarious pity party today.
I myself have been just mired in pity. Taste just like chicken.
I no what you mean hazy must be the Sunday blues lol
yes delicious chicken dinner Sunday blues.
I had chicken for today aswell lol
yeah, let’s party it up. sorry about your day though, hope it gets better :/
How’s ur day beyond
not awful once I gave up trying to accomplish anything. if I distract myself I can nearly pretend I don’t deserve to die.
I hope your day’s been going ok?
I haven’t slept since Friday, so I’m trying to keep myself awake on unhealthy sugar/caffeine-based beverages.
When I get home I am going to crash in bed like an anvil falling off a cliff in a Road Runner cartoon.
See? I’m juuuust awake enough that that almost made sense.
In maybe 3 more hours or so, I’m going to post the new music I wrote, at which time I will be so pumped full of caffeine I can probably fly.
Fly like one of those little brown humming birds or like an albatross?
… yes.
My phone won’t let me watch it cordless
…skynet incoming warning.
I’m looking forward to hearing your music! if you fly like Dumbo we’ll be like those little supportive crows flying around
Yay for supportive crows!
It’s a bit darker and more chaotic than the kind of music I usually write.
It starts out like a dark smooth Gregorian Chant, and ends up sorta like an axe murderer is just realizing there are all sorts of pointy objects around.
I like the idea of being a crow, and better yet being a supportive one.
I’m currently freaking out because I posted it an hour ago and nobody’s saying anything.
I have all kinds of mental images of everyone sitting back and going “Ewww. If I can’t say anything nice, I’d better not say anything….”
I liked it a lot.
But the system fails when I try to go into the post to comment
Ok, I couldn’t handle the panic.
I put it back in “Drafts” after an hour had gone by.
Couldn’t handle the uncomfortable silence.
Panic attack.
I’ll see if I can muster the courage to post it some other time.
Panic attack.
I was about to say something but i couldn’t listen to it because you deleted it RIGHT WHEN I WAS GOING TO LISTEN TO IT! lol.
I played it from the main page. But maybe you will have to repost it because the link shows a 404 error.
Any way, I was going to say I can get the darkness you were talking about. I can tell you know music. But I didn’t felt the axes, but do felt some kind of threating at the end, as if something is about to happen, something dramatic.
Thank you for sharing it. Hope you share it again soon
If someone ever asks me again if I know the name of a contemporary composer I will say I do (kind of, at least her nickname)
@Moneypenny: something dramatic did happen. The song mysteriously disappeared! *plot thickens*
I just re-posted it.
Still a bucket of nerves.
Mf: It seem lots and lots more like a Henry James book. More turns are to come.
Cordless: 😉
Thank you
@Moneypenny: and now i’m officially scared, lol.
@Cordless: listened to it. I’ll refrain from posting a comment……………………………………………………………..
here, because i’ll post a comment on the thread of your song 😛
LOL!! I’ll just sit here and have a Xanax milkshake while everyone listens.
Oh… that’s right… I haven’t taken Xanax in over a decade.
Ok, well, I’ll just do things the old fashioned way and pretend this Diet Coke is a bottle of tequila.
I’m having corn flakes with chocolate sauce and hazel NUT creamer
Add a few scoops of chocolate Haagen Dasz to that, and some Nutella, and I could get really excited.
was that over the line?
I don’t think there is any over the line today. It really is kind of a freeforall today.
It’s ok. You already crossed the line earlier with the dental floss thing.
Now you’re just dancing naked in circles.
With odd orange stains here and there.
that’s called the hokey pokey… and that’s what it is all about…
Now I’ve got that music stuck in my head…
“You put your [deleted] in,
You put your [deleted] out,
You put your [deleted] in,
And you shake it all about…”
haha now that’s funny …. does it have a Mike mills bass line
It should!
I have a feeling we could be at this for days
Hey, it’s still better than the outside world.
Or maybe it’s the fact that I haven’t slept since Friday and my brain doesn’t know how to shut itself off.
Either way, it’s… OOOH LOOK, MORE CAFFEINE!!!
I like you all giddy and slap happy
U hasn’t slept since Friday I no how u feel insomnia dose suck
It does indeed!
I’m not coping well at all today. Wish my mother had aborted me like she had the one before me.