So I’ve been crying for the last hour overdon’t the shit my brother threw at me all his words nasty bitter angry words… Saying I can’t do this can’t do that I’m not doing anything. Everything I do is wrong I’m never right I’m stupid never gonna get a job. Useless, worthless leach. I fucking stood up to him to some degree before the tears came rolling in I feel like clawing skin till it burns and bleeds I need to feel pain I want to feel pain. But I feel nothing I feel empty cold and bitter I’m numb from his words. I’m so weak for crying. What will it take for him to realise that I’m actually depressed he doesn’t believe I am he calls me an attention seeking *****. Might as well be dead before he realizes “Fuck what do you know oh well now time to put her in the ground” If things don’t change for the better I’m ending it on Friday… Now some of you know I’m in a rehab unit so how will that work? Well I found out that the hair appointment I have is on Friday and my mom is aloud to take me out to go and get it done anyway I still have stuff to move to the unit and some of the stuff I have is my old self harm and suicide stash basically stuff I use to try and attempt my life. So yeah like I said if shit ain’t better by Friday I’m ending it… I’ve had enough I’m done only so much a person can take
Fuck this shit can’t take it anymore I’m at my end
written by Sui the Bunny
Shit today was not good for us sui….. Dont let your brother get to I know what it is like to be attacked and left feel like i dead inside and wothless and useless I get it . you could shut him out for a bit till your better .
Can’t Kupo he lives with my mom and I he comes and sees me all the time asking for a damn babysitter every Tues Thurs and every second weekend…
But if you in rehab how are you gonna baby sit
I’m just glad I’m in the unit tbh
Glad to be the unit till what
Till my mom tries and sign me out to deal with her shit and be a slave for her and my brother.
Right now I’m in the shared bbq area cooking some chicken kebabs
He’ll force me too its a private unit youbget treated like normal people are aloud to stay with me in the unit
You get *
Ohhhh why dosent he hire a babysitter. Were the fuck is the mom.
Your brother got me pissed af* throws a batteries at him * ….dick
You mean the slut I’ll give you the background story of my brother. And his wife… Shes two years older then him they met at 16 and 14 took his virginity blah blah blah Anyways they always cheated on each other till she slept with his twin bro They stoped seeing each other till it he was 21 she showed up at the party long story short my brother is a whipped drug addict who’s always smoking and drinking which he is currently giving up on doing drugs. Shes had 2 boyfriends while they’ve been separated but still married he still wants her back she ain’t taking him back getting his hopes up and kicking him whens he down he’s mentally and physically abused but it doesn’t stop him
Yeah he is a absolute dick but I call him a twant
This was heart wrenching to read. Word for word you’re exactly like somebody extremely important to me. I’m scared to say a name just in case I’m right. I usually am regarding my hunches but I hope to god I’m not.
Listen, sometimes the best thing in this case is a distraction, one that can be provided by outlets and conversation. I know it’s not much, but it’s exactly how I got so close to this somebody. I’m always here if you want to talk, and email’s
You gun get through dis. 😉 Keep strong. Please do not end your life. At least give it more time first to find something else worth living for, and try to ride out the situation until you can leave. I pulled this off in the past. I know you can and I’ll be your ear and shoulder if need be. Best of luck.
Hi Sui… No; please. It can be difficult but try not to let words get to you. There will always be people who are ignorant or, perhaps, don’t know what you’re experiencing.
Have you chosen a hair color?
I’ve got a few I’ve downloaded images off of Google images and upload them up here and see what people think but I’ve posted so much today it might be classed as spam lol I was thinking of maybe some neon colors….
Neon sounds cool. 🙂
I understand about the spam… it might not hurt to post one or two…. or wait a little bit.
If you need images of a taco’s colors, I’ll post them quickly…. 😉
Mmm tempting XD post them lol