My anxiety is kicking in because of the words/fight that was exchanged between me and my brother he’s coming to see me and I couldn’t be more scared ya see family is aloud to come visit me I’m aloud to have my brothers kids for the night I’m having a panic attack and my breathing is slowly getting worse my lungs hurt and I’m hyperventilating I need to distract myself I’m all alone till he arrives….. Help me……
I’m here to listen because no on else is at the moment.
Also, here, have this totally lame joke that I did not make up myself.
What do you call a tree that grows on your hand?
a pALm tREE! hA
(sorry if that sucked).
Well your not alone on here Sui.
What else is going on?
Anything you wanna talk about?
Shit hes here got to go
I could just stab myself steal a knife from the shared kitchen and do it I could I really could maybe I should???????
No you shoudlnt not like that
But I need to
There is no need only desire, you musnt do it like that at that time it isnt you
I’m calming down now…. My xbox got delivered to me so yay…. Play that and will calm down I have to put this knife away though….