I framed this at work yesterday and just love it. Cant give artist credit cos unknown to me. Once again pictures have to speak for me. (Was going to post this morning but ran outta time).
I like it. I like the concept. Shes blowing on some pedals or specks of something and the specs are lifting off and becoming helicopters and flying away. I like that. Its imaginative. Its also a watercolor and water color is hard to work with. I also like the drippyness in parts of the work. Where the paint it dripping down. reminding me of gravity and the pulling down of it. Makes the lifting of the pedals and helicopters even more dramatic. I like this > thanks for posting.
Thanks hazy for the deyective work. I dont have a computer atm (its in the pawn shop, remember the addiction thing). and my phone wont do inage searches. Anyway someone bought it in to work to get framed and didnt have any detail so I just took a photo. I freaking love it. Glad u all do to.
Beautiful. Could be a good idea for a tattoo.
I like how the blue hair matches the nails.
Where did you find this? Looks like a sci-fi book illustration.
She is a watercolor artist. Her name is Lora Zombie. This is titled “Blow Wind Blow”. She’s Russian born and considered an Urban Artist.
I like it. I like the concept. Shes blowing on some pedals or specks of something and the specs are lifting off and becoming helicopters and flying away. I like that. Its imaginative. Its also a watercolor and water color is hard to work with. I also like the drippyness in parts of the work. Where the paint it dripping down. reminding me of gravity and the pulling down of it. Makes the lifting of the pedals and helicopters even more dramatic. I like this > thanks for posting.
Hazy Day. Good find on the web site. I went to the webs site and YES this lady has a lot of cool stuff thanks for posting the web site.
Yeah she’s amazing.
Thanks hazy for the deyective work. I dont have a computer atm (its in the pawn shop, remember the addiction thing). and my phone wont do inage searches. Anyway someone bought it in to work to get framed and didnt have any detail so I just took a photo. I freaking love it. Glad u all do to.