Hey guys, I guess you can say that I am new to this website, although I have read quite a few posts here. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone would like to talk? I am feeling worthless, and nobody really cares about me. You know, I am the girl who everyone thinks is super happy and joyful. I am good at faking smiles. And I am just really sick of it, and I want to cut myself but I don’t want anyone to see how weak I am. And, well, I am just not feeling well. So, is there anyone feeling the same way who would like to talk? I don’t really know how this works but I guess you can just send me a message on here and we could chat. I am 15 years old if you were wondering. Well I think that was everything for now, thanks and, uhm, see you later?
Hey if you want contact me at: bobs65325@gmail.com
Faking happiness is easier than explaining to those who don’t under stand why you’re sad. I struggle daily with cutting I went a little stretch without giving in but broke my good streak last Tuesday. Something that’s kinda helped me tho is rubber band to the wrist it’s painful and can be done anytime. I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. Here on sp we support each other and if you need to vent this is a place for that too
I use to just fake happiness when I was around your age, I’m 21 now and it’s getting harder to “fake” being happy around people. Although I still do, As wanted86 said, it’s easier just faking happiness and avoiding the drama and meaningless questions that come if they see the real you. In reality, the people who appear the happiest and joyful out of everyone probably suffer the most inside because they are masking everything. While this is not the case with everyone, it is with a lot of people. Just putting on a show for everyone.
You can message me if you want, my e-mail is andesames@gmail.com
No one really cares about anyone. If they do, don’t trust them.
This is untrue. I care about people and I don’t feel I’m untrustworthy because of it, just stupid cause I get hurt when I care about people
There is an interesting concept in philosophy that goes something like,…”there are no truly good or selfless deeds in the world. Humans are not capable of it. We do nice things for each other either because if we were in a bad situation we would want someone to do it for us, or the act itself makes us feel good, Theron can’t be selfless if we enjoy it.”
Seems pretty cynical but strangely makes sense if you really think about it
That’s right on, I agree ! Thanks for sharing that with us.
On the surface, it looks like helping someone is selfless, but if you look deeper, it’s not really.
^ was replying to Dpt59kasd
Psychological egoism. It is a very interesting concept. I also agree with it.
Laurengrin727@gmail.com is an email I made for this reason 🙂 I am a 19 year old girl and I would love to try talking about it all