I got back to the underground carpark just in time, 2 hours free and should you go beyond 2 hours it was 20 euro, I drove up to the barrier with 5 minutes left. I was trying to swipe my ticket against the device and nothing was happening, I pressed the assistance button – no answer, I kept trying to swipe the ticket and the 2 hours had been exceeded. Eventually a voice, a voice of a wanker answered “Yes?”. ” Lift that barrier and I’ll be on my way” I said. “Im not lifting any barrier, you went beyond 2 hours, go up to the office and pay 20 euro” said the wanker. He was starting to annoy me. ” You’re starting to annoy me, nobody fucking answered the last 10 minutes now lift that barrier” I said. ” Im coming around to have a word with you” said the wanker. All the time this was going on I had observed in the rearview mirror a white transit van a few feet behind me which was also being delayed because of this wanker. My streetwise instinct told me transit vans usually contain characters you would not want ro cross, you don’t know who you’re talking in this world, you don’t know who knows who, the best policy would be amicability, I gestured out the window to this transit that the machine would not read the ticket. The wanker arrived, this grey headed fuck about 55, a wanker it seemed not just in voice but in appearance too. ” Lift that barrier, Im in a hurry” I said. ” No, can’t do it, come up to the office and pay 20 euro” said this fuck.It was at this juncture the door of the transit opened and a dangerous looking guy walked up. ” Who the fuck do you think you are?” said this guy. I thought he was addressing me ” Calm down man” I said. ” Not you, you’re alright, this **** here, lift that fucking barrier or I’ll punch the head off you” said this guy. “Im calling the police” said the wanker in a panic stricken voice. The other guy went back to the transit and the barrier was raised immediately. I drove off with the transit behind me. We stopped at the traffic lights outside of the carpark and nodded amicably at each other.
fyi- paragraphs are your friend. don’t be afraid to use some. 😛
what are “transit vans”?
also, u lucked out that guy scared the wanker into lifting the gate, otherwise he wouldn’t have lifted it and you’d be stuck paying 20E.
btw, it’s all a scam. they KNOW ppl are trying to get out before 2 hours so they “conveniently” not let you out till juuuust after it, so they can stick u with the bill. every business is shady these days.
There was no way I was going to hand over 20euro! and have the wanker laughing! Its nigh on impossible to find a carpark with 2 hours on the house, if u can find one use it!
he was a dick and so is the parking company. by the way he acted, and by the way he ignored you until JUST after 2 hours tells me that this place ROUTINELY scams customers. this kind of shit happens all the time here, in so many businesses, not just car parks. it’s disgusting.