I recently read a post from a person feeling deep depression for a major part of his or her life and feeling that God is removed from involvement in her life.  I have done a great amount of soul searching in understanding this as well.  I have discovered through the death of my brother from his suicide a firmer understanding of God and his complete involvement into our lives.  I recently discovered in my need to understand that I was not listening.  I have been reading the bible where Jesus is witnessing to his followers disciples that they need not fear the ruler of this world for greater is he that is in them than the king of this world.  The truth is Satan is the current ruler of this world.  Jesus came to save us from this evil plotting individual that was thrown from Heaven for his schemes to overthrow God and the creatures of heaven through deception. After his fall to this earth his greatest plan is to defeat us and bring us to our knees where we feel so lost we deny God.  Denying God is the ONLY sin that will keep you from heaven.  God offered us forgiveness by giving up his son to suffer the sins of this world.  God does not put us through this the fallen angel of  Heaven does.  Put the blame where it belongs, ask GOD to dwell within you and you will be surprised how involved in your life he will reveal to you.  You have to remove the blinders by faith, GOD will do the rest.  Love you and keep praying without ceasing.  When failure and depression enters your heart rebuke and and ask for GODs peace.  He will not deny you.
I kind of wanted to believe, but then at church some people were talking about how if you commit suicide you go to hell. How does that make any sense?
I kind of want this explained, because I thought Christians would be non-judgemental and I’ve never heard of it anywhere in the bible. To me this seems like their crappy way to discourage suicide through non-personal uncommunicative lies. Which is like what a political or buisness advertisement would do and that pisses me off. I’m not trying to challenge anyone, I think it’s great you’re able to believe in something, but I really don’t understand so please explain if you get the chance.
If God knows the past and future, he created Satan knowing full well what kind of havoc he’d cause. He didn’t have to create him. Who’s really the bad guy? Checkmate.
Anyways, that’s not why I’m posting. @freezinginfire: I was a Christian for 20 years and my father is a well known pastor. While that doesn’t automatically give my words legitimacy, I took my faith very seriously for many years. Nowhere in the Bible does it suggest suicide means you will go to Hell. If anything, it’s just another sin.
A single sin, according to the Bible, is enough to exclude you from Heaven. Jesus supposedly came to save us from the sins we have committed in the past and will commit in the future. Accepting him washes you clean.
I don’t believe in any of that garbage anymore, but I figured you should at least know what the Bible actually says. Suicide being a ticket to Hell is just a myth created by Christians. The Bible never states that you’ll go to Hell for doing it.
You see I have been around the horn many times with God, Jesus, Budda, and Chrisna, and I’m really understanding. The heros are the evil ones and Satan really IS our father. Darkness is comforting not light. I AM the villain in the story. I accept that and have actually found peace in believing this and acknowledging my part to play in this story. It is sad to feel wrong but what if everything everyone told you is wrong and everything wrong anyone told you is right. I believe the earth is my mother now and darkness becomes her and Satan I think perhaps was a woman. I think women throughout the ages have been persecuted by your so-called God and Jesus. Only the submissive woman would do but the woman of knowledge was always condemned. The older woman was condemned. The woman who enjoyed sex was condemned. It seemed that anything that truely made a woman happy was condemned. I think there are some grains of love and truth that were stolen and twisted to suit the patriarchal format of Christianity. But, all in all I know that what will truely make me happy will never be accepted in society. I am the evil queen from snow white. I am older now and only my mirror is my admirer but I cherish it all the same. Do not look to God for knowing the path or journey you must take but look instead into your own heart and face your darkness. Face your fear that is what I believe the true face of God is the one that lies in your heart.
“Put the blame where it belongs”
The blame belongs on whoever, or whatever, caused the universe to start expanding…
I used to be a full Christian after my secret life as a Wiccan now I’m pretty much agnostic/atheist, but I do know for sure that God is never to blame. Yes indeed he did created Lucifer but it wasn’t God who made Lucifer the bad guy, God made him an angel jsut like the rest it was Lucifer’s own doing. No many people know but Jesus actually saved us from man’s law plus our sins but that doesn’t mean we will still sin. But I agree 100% he never denies no matter what race, sexuality, or religion you are cause HE loves you regardless.
I’m sorry to hear of your loss and glad that you are able to find refuge in your faith.
As you can tell from the comments generated by your post defining God as being this and not that creates paradoxes that most people will have a difficult time integrating into their life.
For myself the experience of God is the experience of the numinous, the experience of that which is greater than ourselves of which nothing greater can be conceived.
The numinous is All-things and No-Thing, the Dark and the Light, the Joy and the Pain, the Void and the Fullness, the unification of all.
Created in the image of God it is the task of individuation to unify the opposites and in the unification become conscious.
By ascribing Evil to Satan and Good to God the individual is left helpless, a plaything of forces beyond responsibility and God is left less then God.
We are left divided, unable to recognise the goodness and badness within ourselves and instead project it out onto others.
Most Religions recognises the danger of ascribing attributes to God as doing so tends to lead to a god created in image of man (Anthropomorphism of God)
Early Christian Theologians practiced negation – God “a being than which nothing greater can be conceived,” so anything which can be conceived must then, by definition, not be God, and any attribute comprehensible to the human mind must not be an attribute applicable to the divine.
When one talks of God one must not mistake the words to be God, that would be the sin of hubris.
In the Jewish tradition God is written as G_d, again to remind the writer that the words are not God and so remain humble and open to learning.
Similarly the Muslim injunction against portraits of God and the prophet
Talking about the whole God/Lucifer thing, I actually haven’t found a verse that mentions God creating Lucifer, just an observation.
And it’s true that there isn’t anything in the Bible saying that suicide is a one-way ticket to Hell. That’s actually a belief left over from Catholicism, they held on to that belief because most cultures condemned suicide, due to the human nature of condemning all that you don’t understand.
Calling people sinners , dictating who gets to go to heaven and who gets to go to hell , to me is a bunch of judgmental crap.. as if we don’t have enough of that in this world. That book alone has caused wars and literal witch hunts. I’m sure if there is a god he or she would disagree with 99% of what’s written in the bible (which was written by man , not a god ). There needs to be more emphasis on COMPASSION …less pointing of the fingers calling people sinners as if they are less worthy and deserving of love.