This feeling it hurts a lot I wish it would go away. Everyday I wake up pretending to be happy putting on a fake smile for everybody to see. I feel so alone and unwanted by everyone no one understands they or love me . Just tolerate me or push me to the side. I seem to cry every night the days are getting longer and I think that is if I hurt myself I would feel some type of real emotion. Or maybe just that one step into the street can end everything. Poof! I’ll be gone and life can continue like it always has. Not like anyone would care no one seems to care about my feelings or what I think. Every time I do something I’m wrong then people are mad at me . Why am I so lonely? I’m tired of feelings like this . Tonight I thought about cutting myself slit my wrist but I stopped I thought about how maybe the devil is trying to win me over but all god sees is me crying hating myself wishing my life was different. Why couldn’t I have grown up with a easy life why did I have to experience so much pain why was no one there to protect me why am I always alone…I’m scared
i Don’t know what could have caused you to feel this way, or what problems you’re really facing but maybe i can help?
If you believe in God then I don’t feel bad to tell you this, God loves you no matter what you do. You don’t have to do anything at all, and God will always love you. The devil is a convenient excuse, but even if you decide to do something and attribute your decision to temptation, God will still love you.
Letting go of hate is so hard. But it does and can happen, to you too. I don’t know what the tricks are, it takes a lot of dedicated work and practice. Filling your life with love helps since it’s soooo much bigger than hate.
Imagine a pea, a tiny shriveled pea. Now imagine that pea to be black and cancerous and not a pea at all. That’s hate. The great thing is that it’s tiny. But if you tend to it, it grows.
But love is different. Imagine a star, now imagine being right next to that star, now imagine that star is bigger than the entire universe. That’s love. When you let it into your heart, there isn’t any room for that shriveled up black cancer pea. It completely disappears. But it takes daily, minute by minute work.