Yesterday on my way to work i passed a man. He was looking up and chanting, probably praying, Â his hand was reached out. I pulled out my wallet and took some money out, returned and gave it to the man, when i looked in to his eyes, i understood that he is blind. My heart broke. I admire him, he keeps on living…. then i started to wonder why? How do all these people take it? Why wont they end it?
The human lives when he is loved, the human lives when he desires… but when that is lost. All that is left is the instinct to survive. What if were really here to overcome this instinct? To stop when we had enough? what if suicide is the right way out? What if depression is not an illness but a higher state of mind, warning us that were ready for new realms.
Can someone understand what am i rambling here about
or am i just gone insane up to 100%? What do you think?
No, you’re not insane. Here’s a quote we can all live by:
“They called me mad, and I called them mad, and damn them, they outvoted me.”
– Nathaniel Lee on being sent to an insane asylum
There have been a couple very cool discussions on the “survival instinct” and whether evolved creatures shed it, just like we (hopefully) shed our primordial insticts to rape and kill for what we want.
The problem is any evolutionary discussion generally concludes that suicide is an evolutionary no-no. So it’s hard to conclude that we are evolved beyond the normal chumps who trudge through pain, not seeing the obvious way out.
But whatever… I do think you’re right. I think the survival instinct is just a dumb, brutish throwback to caveman days. And once a creature confronts the question of living, then that’s an enlightened step forward.
Maybe we have to draw a line between physical evolution and intellectual evolution. Maybe they have opposite goals in mind. Physically evolved creatures survive and procreate like a virus. Intellectually evolved creatures get the hell out of Dodge.
I too often think about what keeps people going. i think its their ignorance and not reflecting on life. but is it bad or good? i envy them for their blissful ignorance.
Well….I wouldn’t say it is the “right” way out but it isn’t the “wrong” way either….I think it is just a neutral option that give people the ultimate trump card over anything. I would think of it as a personal “explode” button like secret bases have if they are overrun….when all other options fail….press the red button….
I don’t think we are here to overcome the instinct to live that would defeat the reason we are born period…….being born to overcome wanting to live….it would be better just not to have been born….that’s like getting a new car just to crash it…It would be better to just not buy the car…
I do think depression can be a higher state of awareness depending on what exactly you are aware of….I am depressed for multiple reasons but one of the major ones is because I’m fully aware of the chains that bind me to the matrix…I know that I am not free but a debt slave that is expendable when my productivity is not up to par with the other slaves. I know that we are being oppressed and pitted against each other “divide and conquer”. That’s why we have so much bullshit that separates us….Race, class, income, political affiliation, etc. They don’t want people living in harmony they feed you reasons to hate your neighbor.
Suicide rates are very high among the homeless. There are a few like this man that hold on for no other reason than hope but if he ever has the epiphany that “hope is an illusion” I have no doubt he would find a way to end it. Many people end up homeless and bounce back and many become homeless and remain homeless until they die. I bet if you ask them why they haven’t just ended it I bet they say something about hope or religion…others may have mental illnesses that effectively prevent them from thinking about suicide. If it were me that was homeless….I would be dead within the first week….Its not fair to those people that they can’t even live in the wilderness….”tent cities” are being outlawed across america…why? because they don’t want these people living and surviving outside the matrix. It turns out that once you lose your job and your home in this country you become something of an outcast. Sadly, the number of “outcasts” is going to continue to grow as the U.S. economy continues to collapse… you can’t even sleep in your fucking car! Unfortunately, it turns out that sleeping in cars has been made illegal in many areas of the United States. In many cities, police are putting boots on the cars and when the homeless owners can’t pay the fines the vehicles are being taken away from them. Once you are down on your luck in America you will quickly find that authorities will try to take everything else you still have away from you. In many U.S. cities, it is even illegal to sleep on the street. If you are homeless I am not sure what the fuck you are supposed to do. In some areas of the U.S. you can’t sleep in your car, you can’t sleep in a tent city and you can’t sleep on the street. See the poor, the disadvantaged, the disabled, the retired, the sick, these people don’t make any money for the powers that be. They are the most vulnerable of our society. They are the ones that need our help the most…. yet all we hear from the thugs in Washington is how we can’t afford to help these people. We can afford to give corporations tax breaks that are so amazingly generous it boggles the mind. We can afford to give millionaires and even billionaires tax breaks while they sit on mountains of cash. We can afford to engage in dozens of police actions around the world We can afford to feed millions of people in other countries and yet we can’t afford to feed our own people. We can afford to send missionaries to build housing overseas but were not building homes for the poor and disadvantaged in this country. Its sickening and TPTB are fucking evil
I think we- suicidal people that we are- are on to something, I think we are on the path and everybody else is running around blind. we’ve figured out how evil this place, this world, is, and we are looking to escape, because we know we are not happy here, and we cant help dreaming of something better, even if that something better only consists of nonexistence, we have to know what other options are out there. imagine a science experiment rats in a maze. some rats spend their whole lives running the maze trying to find the “cheese”, the finish point. but the wise rat spends his time trying to get out of the damned maze.